
  • 网络modern marketing
  1. 论现代市场营销的本质

    Discussion on the Essence of Modern Marketing

  2. 现代市场营销学浅析

    Analysis on the Modern Marketing Science

  3. 以Internet为核心支撑的网络营销正在发展成为现代市场营销的主流。

    Online marketing that bases on Internet becomes the main trend of modern marketing .

  4. CI策划与现代市场营销

    CI Plotting and Modern Marketing

  5. 随着中国加入WTO以及保护限期即将结束,石油石化企业在国内将与国际石油公司进行面对面的竞争。石油企业要想在竞争中取胜首先要转变思想,树立现代市场营销观念;

    With the entry of WTO and the end of the protect term , petroleum and petrifaction enterprises will face the competition from domestic and international companies .

  6. 运用现代市场营销理论,对CUBA运作的过程进行分析,揭示其成功经验;

    Applying modern marketing theories , the author analyzed the operation process of CUBA and revealed its successful experience .

  7. 本论文从HF电气集团公司(简称HF公司)的实际出发,结合现代市场营销学理论,系统地制定出HF公司电力二次设备市场营销战略。

    I establish systematically the marketing strategy on electric power secondary Equipment for HF Electric Corporation with modern marketing theory in this thesis .

  8. 本文的研究成果不仅对ABC塔机公司,而且对我国其它建筑机械企业运用现代市场营销管理都有一定的参考价值。

    This article can be used as reference for formulating marketing strategy for ABC company as well as guidelines for other Chinese building equipment industry .

  9. 而这次展览会有利于促销它。SP促销是现代市场营销宝库中使用最为广泛的一种拓展市场,促进销售的利器。

    And the show will help promote it . Promoting sale by SP is a good tool which most extensively used for reclaiming market 、 promoting sale in present treasure-house of marketing .

  10. 本文介绍了现代市场营销的4个发展方向:创造需求、大市场营销、4C营销和绿色营销。

    The paper discusses four major new findings in modern marketing , namely , Creating Demand , Major Marketing , 4 C Marketing and Green Marketing .

  11. 本论文从KC公司的实证分析出发,结合现代市场营销理论,系统地制定了公司的RF智能美容仪中国市场营销战略。

    The treatise , proceeding from the demonstration analysis of the KC Company and based on the modem marketing theory , systemically works out Chinese marketing strategy of the RF Intelligent Beauty Apparatus .

  12. 本文的写作以现代市场营销观念、STP营销理论、关系营销理论、营销组合和渠道创新理论为基础。

    The theory of this thesis is based on the modern marketing concept , STP marketing theory , relationship marketing theory , the marketing mix and the channel innovation theory .

  13. 最后,大4S营销技术强调的是营销基本功,主要是在现代市场营销技术的基础之上,整合关系营销技术与网络营销技术的优势,进而解决现有汽车市场营销技术单一、落后等方面的问题。

    Lastly , what the Big 4S Marketing Technology emphasizes is the basic skill of Marketing , which is on the base of advantage in Modern Marketing Technology , the Relationship-marketing and the Online-marketing technology , in order to solve the single and backward question of marketing technology .

  14. 现代市场营销观念及方法的创新与发展

    The modern marketing theory and its innovation and development

  15. 试论现代市场营销中的非价格竞争

    A Study of the Non-price War in Modern Marketing

  16. 基于现代市场营销思想的服装卖场系统研究

    Research on the Fashion Store System on the Basis of Modern Marketing Concepts

  17. 现代市场营销理论具有其先天性的理论缺陷和无法解决的矛盾。

    CONTRADICTORY ARCHITECTURE Modern management and marketing theory has its congenital . theoretical defect .

  18. 论现代市场营销条件下的产品包装设计

    Products Packaging Design under Modern Marketing Condition

  19. 现代市场营销信息系统探讨

    A Probe Into Modern Marketing Information System

  20. 谈树立现代市场营销观念

    Setting up the Sense of Modern Marketing

  21. 现代市场营销学的新发展

    New findings in modern marketing

  22. 现代市场营销的核心是目标营销,而目标营销成功的基础是科学的市场细分。

    The core of modern marketing is target marketing , and the successful target marketing is scientific market segmentation .

  23. 营销渠道成员间低价恶性窜货是现代市场营销中经常见到的一种行为,这种行为对渠道成员和产品制造商的伤害极大。

    Dumping beyond the mark is common behavior which do great harm both to marketing channel members and producers .

  24. 当前,经济环境的变化要求国有商业银行实施现代市场营销战略。

    At present , the changes of economic environment demand the state-owned commercial banks carrying out the strategy of marketing .

  25. 现代市场营销强调以客户和市场为中心,并在此基础上建立一种与客户及社会的和谐关系。

    Modern marketing regards the customers and market as the centre to establish a harmonious relation with customers and society .

  26. 为了在今后的市场竞争中取胜,我国企业必须树立全新的现代市场营销观念,树立品牌意识和绿色营销观念,逐步走向国际化轨道。

    In order to win in competition enterprises should establish new modern marketing idea and follow the road of internalization .

  27. 本文从非价格竞争的涵义、非价格竞争的经济学分析和非价格竞争的主要策略,对现代市场营销中的非价格竞争进行探讨。

    The economic analysis of the non-price war and the main tactics of the non-price war , and so on .

  28. 同时,消费者作为企业竞争的最主要资源,已成为现代市场营销理念的中心。

    Meanwhile , consumers , as the main source in the enterprise competitions , have become the focus of modern marketing .

  29. 营销美的概念古已有之,并且在现代市场营销活动中也有诸多体现;

    The notion of marketing esthetic has already been in ancient times , and has been existed in modern market activities .

  30. 加强品牌发展战略问题的系统研究,必将进一步丰富和发展现代市场营销思想和理论。

    To strengthen the systematic study on brand developing will definitely enrich and develop the thoughts and theories of modern marketing .