
  • 网络marble tile
  1. 在重新装潢后的办公室中,芥末色灯芯绒沙发取代了旧沙发,实木咖啡桌被大理石瓷砖的桌子所取代。

    In the redecorated Oval Office , two plump mustard corduroy sofas take pride of place , facing a boxy , modern coffee table covered with marble-looking tiles .

  2. 我们功能花岗岩,大理石,瓷砖,福米卡和许多其他的表面。

    We feature granite , marble , tile , formica and many other surfaces .

  3. 室外工程:庭院,平台,围栏,室外大理石及瓷砖铺装。

    Outdoor works : courtyard , platforms , fences , outdoor marble and tile paving .

  4. 它用于花岗石、大理石、瓷砖、玻璃等硬脆材料的钻孔加工。

    This bit is used for drilling hard and fragile materials , Such as decorative granite , marble , ceramic tile and glass , etc.

  5. 市场对黑色大理石、黑色瓷砖,甚至黑色浴盆、面盆、马桶和淋浴室的需求如此之大,格纳甚至在其店内布置了两间黑色调的浴室。

    Such is the demand for black marble , black tiles and even black baths , basins , toilets and showers that Gurner has now created two black bathroom settings in her store .

  6. 竹木、水晶、双色板、有机玻璃、玻璃、纸张、皮革、橡皮、大理石、花岗岩、瓷砖等。

    Bamboo ware , wood planks , crystal , double color boards , organic glass , glass , paper , leather , rubble , marble , granite , tiles , etc.