
  • 网络public life
  1. X射线的应用早已渗透到社会经济各个行业和大众生活的各个方面。

    X-ray applications have penetrated into all aspects of the social economy industries and public life .

  2. 随着时代的发展,休闲娱乐产品正在逐渐地进入大众生活。

    Along with the development of the times , the recreational products are gradually entered the public life .

  3. 随着GPS和Internet技术的高速发展,基于网络的GPS服务已经逐渐进入大众生活的方方面面。

    Along with the development of GPS and Internet technology , the service of GPS based on the Internet has entered the everyday life of everyone .

  4. 随之后PC时代的到来,嵌入式系统已经广泛地渗透到大众生活,是继IT网络技术之后,又一个新的技术发展方向。

    Arrival of PC era , the embedded system has already widely permeated through masses ' life , is another new technological developing direction following IT network technology .

  5. 文学作品始终是同大众生活根深蒂固的交织在一起的。

    Literature is deeply rooted and intertwined with life 's totality .

  6. 商业是与人民大众生活息息相关的。

    Business is bound up with man 's life closely .

  7. 直面大众生活:开放大学的德育走向

    Public-Oriented : the trend of Moral Education in Modern University

  8. 时尚符号与大众生活风格

    Signs of Fashion and Life Styles of the Populace

  9. 希伯来圣经是一部古代以色列人大众生活记忆的宗教经典。

    Hebrew Bible is a religious Work which memorizes the lives of ancient Israel .

  10. 随着社会发展,电梯产品逐渐走进大众生活。

    Develop with the society , the elevator gradually walk into the public living .

  11. 香水不再是少数人专享的奢侈品,而逐渐成为大众生活中的主流商品。

    Perfume has become an ordinary product instead of luxury goods possessed by the privileged .

  12. 要运用跟反映大众生活相一致的大众化形式;

    Popularizing literary forms which conform to the life of the grand masses must be adopted ;

  13. 大众生活的视觉镜像

    Visual Image on Mass Life

  14. 审计职业界与法律界及社会公众的分歧是大众生活逻辑与职业专门逻辑的矛盾造成的。

    The author maintains that audit professional should pay attention to formally audit independence related to populace live logic .

  15. 近年来,随着大众生活水平的提高,各国人民汽车的人均持有量也变得越来越多。

    Nowadays , with the improvement of living standards of the masses , there are more and more people holding cars .

  16. 生动活泼的动画角色形象、网络游戏角色形象、卡通吉祥物形象长期活跃在大众生活中;

    Lively images of cartoon roles , network games roles and cartoon mascots are flourishing in the life of the people ;

  17. 随着大众生活水平的不断提高,商品零售业的发展进入了一个新的时代,一个信息化、数字化的时代。

    With the improvement of people 's life , retail trade enters into a new , an informative and digital era .

  18. 论文首先对现代体育运动服饰的概念进行了界定并分析了专业运动服与大众生活类运动服的关系。

    This paper starts with definition on concept of modern sports clothing , analyzing the relationship between professional sports clothing and common one .

  19. 从广义上说,它的本质是建立一种全社会的网络计算环境或数字化神经系统,以实现信息资源在国民经济和大众生活中的全方位应用。

    From the broad sense , it is to create an " internet computing environment " and " digital nerve system " for the society .

  20. 在把握五大原则的基础上实现公共设施设计的当代性,最终实现大众生活的艺术化。

    In grasping the implementation on the basis of five principles of the contemporary design of public facilities , ultimately , mass of the art of living .

  21. 今后公司将致力开发出更多适应现代化生活的保健食品,为提高大众生活质量和健康水平奉献一份力量!

    In future , we are willing to contribute more satisfied health food so as to upgrade the quality of life and health level for every customer .

  22. 伴随现代通讯的迅速普及发展,各种新技术层出不穷,各种新的业务正逐步走入大众生活。

    With rapid popularization about the development of modern communication , an endless stream of new technologies , a variety of new business is gradually into public life .

  23. 吸烟有害健康;但是香烟与大众生活密切相关,对国民经济的发展有着不可估量的影响。

    Smoking is harmful to health . But tobacco is closely related to public life , it has an immeasurable impact to the development of the national economy .

  24. 它介绍了法律的术语和概念以及法律史,特别集中在重覆发生于美国大众生活中的三个主题∶自由、平等和产权。

    It introduces terms and concepts of law and legal history , focusing on three recurring themes in American public life : liberty , equality , and property .

  25. 在文学艺术日益从神圣的精神殿堂“沉沦”于喧嚣的大众生活的时下,重读邓以蜇在20世纪20年代有关文艺功能的精辟见解,有一种净化灵魂的感觉。

    When literature and art are falling from the " holy spiritual palace " down to the madding crowd , re-reading Deng Yizhe 's ideas in1920s purifies my spirit .

  26. 城市休闲作为一种综合性的社会、文化和经济现象,应该更多的作为一种大众生活方式,体现在人们的日常生活中。

    As a comprehensive social , cultural and economic phenomenon , urban entertainment should be taken as a popular living method and reflected in the daily life of people .

  27. 与读者保持良好的沟通和交流关系,从而使文化传播从特权阶层中解放出来,逐渐走向大众生活。

    The editors kept good relations of exchange and communication with readers in order to liberate culture communication from the privileged strata and gradually enter into the popular life .

  28. 作为一个专门的学科和行业,在步入21世纪时,设计艺术在社会经济和大众生活中的支撑发展地位已经越来越重要。

    As a specialized disciplines and industries , far into the 21st century , the design art has been more and more important in the socio-economic and public life .

  29. 近些年来,随着公众接触网络成本的一再降低,网络已成为大众生活中不可缺少的一部分。

    In recent years , along with the cost of surfing the net become lower and lower , the network has been an indispensable part the in daily life .

  30. 21世纪中国城市住宅建设进入了一个新的阶段,大众生活的改善使住宅成为新的消费热点。

    The Chinese urban housing construction has entered a new stage in 21st century . The improvement of the public life makes the residence become the new consumption hotspot .