
  • 网络Big Song;uta
  1. 侗族大歌的保护与传承

    Protection and Inheritance of the Big Song of Dong Nationality

  2. 侗族大歌知识产权保护探讨与法律保护分析

    Dong minority big song intellectual property rights protection discussion and legal protection analysis

  3. 其中建筑以鼓楼、花桥为代表,文娱以侗族大歌和侗族摔跤为代表。

    Its representative entertainment is the great songs and wrestling of the Dong nationality .

  4. 侗族大歌研究50年(下)

    50 - Year Studies on the Dong Chorus ( continued from last lov . )

  5. 侗族声音大歌在一定程度上形成了自己的体系。

    To some extent , Dong minority sound chorus form a specific system of its own .

  6. 双喜临门大歌荡漾。

    Double Happiness great Google waves .

  7. 侗族大歌,被认为是最具代表性的侗族文化符号之一。

    The Dong minority chorus was considered that is one of most representative Dong minority culture marks .

  8. 侗族大歌及其保护

    The Dong Chorus and Protection

  9. 改革开放以来,侗族大歌走向中外乐坛大雅之堂,产生了极大的轰动效应。

    The Dong chorus has been well known both at home and abroad since reform and opening-up in China .

  10. 大歌传统所扎根的侗族文化也正在外来文化的冲击下面临着前所未有的重大转型。

    The big song tradition rooted Dong culture is the impact of foreign culture is facing an unprecedented major transformation .

  11. 侗族大歌对于培养中华民族精神,发展中华民族文化软实力具有重要意义。

    Grand song of Dong minority is very useful to cultivate the national spirit and develop the soft power of Culture .

  12. 传承模式的变迁进而引发了大歌教育功能的弱化、社会整合功能的嬗变以及以婚恋为目的的联姻功能的消失。

    The changes of the inheritance model raising the education function weakened , social integration function transmutation and marriage function disappeared .

  13. 侗族民间合唱&侗族大歌,从20世纪50年代初始至今都是民族音乐学界十分关注的课题。

    The Dong polyphonic folk chorus - Dong Chorus has been a topic concerned among the realm of folk musicology since 1950s .

  14. 声音大歌是侗族大歌中最富有音乐性和艺术研究价值的代表曲种。

    Sound chorus which bears the richest musical charaters and most artistic values , is a representative genre of Dong minority chorus .

  15. 作为传统知识的侗族大歌由于没有有效法律机制的保护同样不可避免地遭受了不当的侵害。

    Similarly , as " traditional knowledge " the Dong minority big song , without the effective legal protection , inevitably suffer the improper violation .

  16. 对上述诸因素进行梳理和分析,并根据传承现状提出对侗族大歌保护与弘扬的具体措施,具有重要意义。

    It is of great importance to organize and analyze the a-bove factors , and provide specific measures of protecting and developing the Dong Chorus .

  17. 伴随着花桥鼓楼一路走来的侗族大歌从清水江边唱到了巴黎的塞纳河畔;

    The multi-section songs of Dong nationality going with flower-bridges and drum-buildings have been sung from Qingshui River in Guizhou to Seine River in Paris .

  18. 侗族大歌发展史上的一次辉煌&黎平侗族民间合唱团对侗族大歌发展的历史性贡献唱一支民间小调嘛,倒还凑合。

    An Outstanding Achievement in the Development of the History of the Dong Chorus & Historic contribution of the Chorus of the Dong folk singers ;

  19. 而侗族大歌的保护与传承对西部民族文化的发展有着十分重要的意义。

    The article primarily discussed how to protect and inherit the music of minorities in the development of western region and promote the traditional music culture in the modern society .

  20. 嘎老汉译称为侗族大歌,是侗族南部地区所特有的口头艺术形式。

    " Gal Laox ", Which is translated into mandarin Chinese as " Grand Song of Ethnic Dong Minority ", is a unique verbal art form in the southern Dong minority area .

  21. 但是从田野调查中的所得可知:在侗乡内部,以同性集体作伴和异性集体交往为重要基础的大歌歌唱传统在慢慢发生衍变。

    But we can see from the field survey of income : in Dong internal to the homosexual collective companion and heterosexual collective interaction is an important foundation for the song singing traditional slowly occurred Evolution .

  22. 以田野工作的丰富调查资料为基础,通过考证,对大歌的名称、分类、产生的年代等进行论述,并作进一步的探讨,具有一定的意义和价值。

    Based on the substantial investigative materials from the field work and textual researches , it is of due significance and value to discuss the name and the classification of the Dong Chorus and the time in which it appeared .

  23. 但随着人类现代化进程的逐步加快,侗族大歌受到了现代化、外来文化、市场经济的不断影响和全面冲击,正面临着弱化、后继无人的趋势和濒临失传危机。

    But with the acceleration of human modernization , the Dong chorus is continuously affected and totally shocked by modernization , external cultures and market economy . It is facing the trend of being neglected and coming to the crisis of being lost .

  24. 由于侗族人民所处的地理环境,及其生产与生活中与水的密切关系,使得侗族大歌也具有了水一样的特性:温婉、细腻、和谐、清亮。

    Thanks to its specific geographical environment and its close relationship with water in its daily life . Dong minority gives birth to its unique chorus which has the characteristics of water : sweet , agreeable , fine , smooth , harmonious , and clear .

  25. 男人会听摇滚和流行大俗歌。

    Men Tingyaogun the vulgar and pop songs .

  26. 我在想,这是1959年,这孩子正唱着一首有关大篷车的歌。

    I think it's1959 , and this boy 's singing songs about the boxcar ?

  27. 当时,在场的观众们也上台与舞蹈演员一起,为麦当娜祝贺,大唱生日歌。

    The audience joined in with her dancers to serenade the Queen of Pop with a resounding chorus of Happy Birthday .

  28. 这场争夺英国第二大金融区(歌鸟持有70%股份)的战争始于一通电话。

    The war for Britain 's second-largest financial district , 70 per cent owned by Songbird , began with a phone call .

  29. 但在全球化大语境下,侗族大歌的保护传承面临一种窘境,需要引起更多的重视和关注。

    But under the globalized linguistic environment , the protection of Dong minority chorus is faced predicament , so it needs to attach more attentions .