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  • tongs
  1. B型大钳啮合机构的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis on the Engagement Mechanism of Model B Tongs

  2. 请把这些个坏大钳、卡瓦以及吊卡装到车上!

    Please load the truck with bad tongs , slips and elevators !

  3. 传动系统用Q10Y-M液气大钳钳头改造而成,并采用大钳的液压动力源。

    The drive system is refitted from the tong head of Q10Y-M hydro-air tong and uses the hydraulic power supply of the tong .

  4. 确保大钳平衡配重和钳子相匹配。

    Ensure that the counter-weights are in balance with the tongs .

  5. 不行,要用大钳卸扣。

    No ! Break it out with both sets of tongs .

  6. 大钳必须保持清洁确保正确操作。

    Rig tongs must be kept clean to ensure proper operation .

  7. 必须定期检查大钳吊绳的滑轮和平衡铊。

    Rig tong line pulley and counterbalances must be inspected at regular intervals .

  8. 液压大钳要由指定的人来操作。

    Hydraulic tong should be operated by designated personnel .

  9. 任何时候大钳柄都要保持水平。

    The rig tong arms should be kept in level at all times .

  10. 大家开动起来,有用锤子砸大钳的,有先开肚皮的。

    Everyone started up , useful hammer tong , has started the belly .

  11. 他叫它大钳甲虫。

    A @ pinchbug , @ he called it .

  12. 老型液气大钳如何改制成新型液气大钳

    How to reform the hydraulic - pneumatic drilling Tong from old to new pattern

  13. 不能让大钳平衡铊靠到钻台下边或井架底座上不起作用。

    The tong counter-weights must not rest on derrick sub-floor , derrick substructure sills .

  14. 我只不过问问你大钳的事

    I just asked you about the Nipper .

  15. 连接猫头绳和钳尾绳到大钳上。

    Connect the makeup line ( s ) and snub line to the rig tongs .

  16. 任何时候钻具大钳都应该保持干净和良好的保养。

    The rig tongs must be kept clean at all times and kept well lubricated .

  17. 大钳的角度太小了。

    The Tong angle is too small .

  18. 大钳牙经常换。

    Tong dies are often changed .

  19. 钻工打开大钳,放置到安全位置并拴牢。

    The Floormen remove the rig tongs and tie them back safely out of the way .

  20. 我们很喜欢那个“斯普里兹大钳”

    We love the Spritz Nipper .

  21. 钻工们必须把手放到大钳的适当部位,以防受伤。

    The driller continues to pull on the make-up tong until proper torque is applied to the connection .

  22. 为了安全,内外大钳都要装配够粗、够长的钳尾绳。

    For safety , lead and backup tongs should be provided with snub lines of sufficient size and length .

  23. 大钳牙必须保持干净,并经常检查。如果有磨损或损伤,必须更换。

    Rig tong dies must be kept clean and inspected regularly and must be replaced if worn or damaged .

  24. 大钳销子,尾绳销子和螺栓都必须用适当尺寸的开口销加以固定。

    Rig tong pins , shackle pins and bolts must be secured with the proper size of split pins .

  25. 必须定期检查大钳尾绳,使其处于良好的备用状态。

    Snub lines for the rig tongs must be inspected at regular intervals and be in good working condition .

  26. 要经常检查大钳的安全销和折页销是否有磨损,如发现磨损,要尽快更换。

    Rig tong safety pins and hinges must be inspected regularly for wear and replaced as quickly as possible if any wear is observed .

  27. 必须定期检查大钳的折页销子,扣合头和弹簧,如果出现磨损超标,就更换。

    The rig tongs hinge pin , latch lock and springs must be inspected at regular intervals and changed out if excessive wear is encountered .

  28. 当司钻正在上卸钻杆和钻铤时,内外钳工不要站在两个大钳之间。

    Lead and backup tong-men should not stand between the two pipe tongs while the driller is making up or breaking out pipe or collars .

  29. 大钳平衡铊及其附件应当沿轨道上下移动,并装护罩以防伤人。

    Tong counterbalance and parts thereof should be restrained , guarded , or located so as to prevent them from falling on or striking crew members .

  30. 警告:钻工应该随时注意巨大的拉力会造成大钳突然飞出而造成严重的人员伤害或死亡。

    WARNING : The Floormen should always be aware of the tremendous force that can be applied and that the tongs could fly off suddenly , causing serious injury or fatality .