
  1. 在工业化、城镇化进程中,农民工大规模转移到城市。

    Mass of farmer laborers flock into the cities during the process of industrialization and urbanization .

  2. 为建立现代农业生产组织,必须冲破观念缚束,改革农村土地制度,使农民获得土地的永久使用权,培养出大批的合格的农场经营者,完成农村人口向城市的大规模转移。

    In order to establish modern agricultural production organizations , the land system should be reformed .

  3. 油价下降是收入从储蓄者转向消费者一种的大规模转移。

    The decline in oil prices represents a huge shift in income from savers to spenders .

  4. 他表示:由于此次危机,风险大规模转移到了政府的资产负债表上。

    There has been a huge transfer on to government balance sheets because of the crisis , he says .

  5. 此次四川使用专列大规模转移灾区伤员,是唐山地震后的第一次。

    It is the first large-scale transfer of the wounded since the Tangshan earthquake , using special trains in Sichuan .

  6. 20世纪40年代到60年代初,苏联的技术援华推动了现代技术向中国的大规模转移。

    The Soviet technological aid brought about a large-scale transfer modern technology to China from the 1940s to the early 1960s .

  7. 与此同时,随着经济改革的不断深化,中国出现了大批农村剩余劳动力向城市大规模转移的民工潮现象。

    At the same time , along with the economic reform , a large number of rural labor rushes to urban for work .

  8. 广大农村地区劳动力大规模转移,尤其以男性劳动力转移为主,农业生产呈现女性化趋势。

    The labor force transfer in a large scale , of which are males . And most of females participate in agricultural production .

  9. 农村富余劳动力的大规模转移,是我国工业化和现代化进程中必然出现的社会经济现象。

    The transference of surplus labor in the countryside of China is an inevitable social and economic phenomenon in China 's industrialization and modernization .

  10. 按照区域梯度理论应该发生的先发区域边际产业向后发区域的大规模转移,却没有按照预期的发生。

    According to gradient theory early-developing regions should have mass transfer from early-developing regions to late-developing regions , but it does not happen as expected .

  11. 因此,我们相信,全球正处于需求从发达国家向新兴市场进行大规模转移的过程当中。

    As a result , we believe that the world is in the middle of a massive shift in demand from the developed world to emerging markets .

  12. 表面世界已经被黑暗势力弄得不成样子,这迫使她必须大规模转移她的压力。

    The surface realm is being assaulted like never before by the dark cabal , which puts enormous extra pressure on her to begin her massive shift .

  13. 在美国中产阶级收入持续下降之时,999方案意味着税收负担从高收入人群大规模转移到其他人群身上。

    At a time when US middle class income continues to fall , 999 would involve a massive shift of the burden from the better-off to the rest .

  14. 发展中国家经济发展本质上是工业化、城市化的过程,其中必然伴随着农村剩余劳动力向城市的大规模转移。

    In developing countries , the process of economic development is essentially the process of industrialization and urbanization , which entails surplus rural labor transferring to urban areas .

  15. 随着客户端-服务器时代让位于云端平台,计算架构的大规模转移对保证数据安全的传统方式提出了巨大挑战。

    The extent of the architectural shift in computing , as the client-server age gives way to the cloud , raises profound challenges to the old methods of securing data .

  16. 中国的巨大市场和廉价劳动力,已经成为世界制造业大规模转移和抢滩登陆的一个重要市场,中国制造业也同样面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。

    Chinese enormous market and cheap labour are becoming an important market for world manufacturing industries . On the other hand , Chinese manufacturing industries face enormous opportunity and challenge too .

  17. 最重要的是,储蓄从穷国向富国的大规模转移他称之为“反向马歇尔计划”再也不可持续。

    Above all , the huge transfer of savings from the poor world to the rich one , what he calls a " reverse Marshall Plan " , is no longer sustainable .

  18. 17世纪到18世纪中叶,伴随着城市化的发展与乡村劳动力的大规模转移,英国城市家庭女仆群体在兴起。

    With the development of urbanization and the large-scale migration of village labor , female domestic servants had grown up in English cities from the 17th century to the middle of the 18th century .

  19. 第五章总结本文的主要结论:尽管国际产业向我国的大规模转移的从一定程度上促进了我国产业的技术进步,但是总体效果还不甚令人满意;

    Finally , in Chapter 5 , the main conclusion is drawn : although the large-scale international industry transfer to China certainly promotes the technology of domestic industries , the whole effect is not satisfied .

  20. 导致农村劳动力大规模转移已成为农村普遍社会现象,给农村社会带来一定影响,特别是转移对农业生产发展产生的影响不容忽视。

    Lead to the large-scale transfer of rural labor has become a widespread social phenomenon in rural areas , it effects rural society , . especially , the transfer of the impact of agricultural production can not be ignored .

  21. 该公司在中国的挖掘机工厂约有40%的部件是从日本进口的,但正计划在五年内将这个比例至少缩减四分之一,以此作为更大规模转移计划的第一步。

    The company imports about 40 per cent of components for its Chinese excavator factories from Japan , but is planning to reduce that by at least a quarter within five years as a first step towards a bigger shift .

  22. 16世纪宗教改革引发了教会权力的大规模转移,英国教会转而处于至尊王权的一元权力体系统治之下,教职界也由此前承担的双重纳税义务走向单一纳税义务。

    With the large scale transfer of church power as a result of religious reform , the English church was placed under the monistic monarchical power and the obligation of clerical circles also moved from double taxation to single taxation .

  23. 自那以来,中国一直在快速追赶美国,在这方面得益于劳动力成本较低(这一因素促使制造业向中国大规模转移)、来自外企的外来投资强劲,以及经济快速扩张。

    Since then , China has been rapidly catching up on the US , helped by low labour costs that have caused a massive shift of manufacturing to China , strong inward investment by foreign companies and a fast-expanding economy .

  24. 该模式的选择需考虑一国的具体情况,包括是否具备实施大规模转移支付的制度条件以及权衡各种分税制管理模式的优势与局限。

    The choice of this mode is based on the concrete conditions of one country , including whether the institutional conditions for implementation of large scale transfer payment are fulfilled or not and the advantages and limitations of balancing various tax distribution management modes .

  25. 并在分析统计数据的基础上指出我国第一二产业已经开始在东部与中西部间转移,但第三产业截止2008年底,并未出现大规模转移。

    It also points out that primary and secondary industries have already begun to transfer between The Eastern and central western China based on analyzing the statistical data . But obvious transfer of tertiary industry has not begun by the end of year 2008 .

  26. 此外,拥有高度发达的微调及风险定价能力的投资者的大量出现,已使风险从主流银行大规模转移到新参与者那里。

    Moreover , the arrival of a large pool of investors with a highly developed ability to fine-tune and price risk has enabled risk to be passed out of the hands of mainstream banks into a new pool of players , on a large scale .

  27. 这个工具最适合大规模数据转移。

    The strength of this tool is for large scale data movement .

  28. 以外国援助形式进行的大规模资金转移,实际上是一种历史反常现象。

    Large-scale transfers , in the form of foreign aid , are actually a historical anomaly .

  29. 本文提出一个大规模劳动力转移条件下的经济收敛性分析框架。

    This paper provides a framework for analysis of economic convergence under conditions of large-scale labor migration .

  30. 德国已向陷入困境的国家提供高息贷款,但是不愿采取大规模财政转移支付。

    Germany has made expensive loans to troubled countries , but does not like big fiscal transfers .