
  • on sale;clearance sale;Big sale;Everything Must Go;closeout
  1. 亲爱的,这个周末北京商厦大甩卖,你要去吗?

    Darling , BeijingMall is having a big sale this weekend .

  2. 在大甩卖吗?这里为什么有这么多人?

    Is there a big sale ? Why are there so many people here ?

  3. 他们可能会举行清仓大甩卖。

    They 're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory

  4. 顾客们知道我们的清仓大甩卖是实实在在的全场降价。

    Customers know that our stocktake sales offer genuine markdowns across the store .

  5. A:为什么?B:下周我们学校有大甩卖。

    A : Why ? B : For our school sale next week .

  6. 昨天限时大甩卖的时候,这件商品要比现在便宜得多。但促销活动已经结束了,很抱歉!

    It would have been much cheaper yesterday in the flash sale – but it 's finished now , sorry !

  7. 你可以在住所周围的地方贴传单,在周六的车库大甩卖中卖任何东西,或者,你可以通过像eBay或Craigslist这样的网站尝试在网上做买卖。

    You could post a few signs in the neighborhood and sell everything at a Saturday garage sale or you could try the online route with services such as eBay or Craigslist .

  8. 我们的确担心,如果其中的大笔资金要同时退出,就会出现减价大甩卖,英格兰银行(bankofEngland)负责金融稳定的副行长乔恩·坎利夫(JonCunliffe)说。

    We do worry that if a lot of this money heads for the exit at the same time you could see a major fire sale , said Jon Cunliffe , deputy governor for financial stability at the Bank of England .

  9. 他在去年换季大甩卖时买了那些短裤。

    He bought those shorts last year at an end-of-season sale .

  10. 清仓大甩卖时,较小尺寸的衣服总是很快就卖光。

    Smaller clothing sizes always sell out quickly at clearance sales .

  11. 换季大甩卖提醒他这一季已经接近尾声了。

    End-of-season sales remind him that the season is almost over .

  12. 这个商店正清仓大甩卖。

    The shop be have a sale to clear old stock .

  13. 到华兴大甩卖来买衣服吧!

    Come and buy your clothes at huaxing 's great sale !

  14. 本店所有商品均以跳楼价大甩卖。

    All goods in this store are sold at cut-throat prices .

  15. 我是在圣诞节大甩卖的时候买的这台电视机。

    I bought this TV set in the Christmas sales .

  16. 我知道,但这家服饰店办了一个换季大甩卖。

    I know that but this clothing store had an end-of-season sale .

  17. 哎,两个小时的大甩卖。

    Ah . but * two hours of pushing broom .

  18. 杰夫打工的那家服饰店一年有四次换季大甩卖。

    The clothing store Jeff works for has four end-of-season sales per year .

  19. 这是在清仓大甩卖时我买给他的毛衣。

    I bought the sweater that I gave him at a clearance sale .

  20. 我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。

    I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale .

  21. 鱼就像在半价大甩卖时涌进来的饥饿的购物者。

    And fish rush in like hungry shoppers at a half off big sale .

  22. 我们今天清仓大甩卖。

    We have clear store sale today .

  23. 然而弗格森却对可能发生的美债大甩卖表示忧虑。

    Ferguson , however , expressed concern over the possible selling of US Treasury bonds .

  24. 贵店下次大甩卖是什么时候?这个东西那时是否会降价?

    Do you know when the next sale is ? Will this item be marked down ?

  25. 今天大甩卖。

    It 's on sale today .

  26. 谢谢我想我还是等到它大甩卖时再看吧

    Thanks , but I think I 'll wait till it 's in the clearance bin .

  27. 今天,我们有特大型的饮料,超大型肥皂盒还有汽车超级大甩卖。

    Today , there are jumbo drinks , jumbo boxes of soap , and jumbo sales of cars .

  28. 贝南克说,拍卖机制还会将价格保持在接近基本价值的水平,而不是更低的大甩卖价格。

    Bernanke suggested that an auction mechanism would also keep the price near a fundamental value instead of a lower'fire-sale'price .

  29. 艾里克逊一家决定做近来很多其他家庭所正在做的事情&来一次“车库里大甩卖。”

    The Ericksons decided to do what a lot of other Americans are doing these days-have a " garage sale . "

  30. 美国加州州长施瓦辛格为弥补财政赤字,将加州政府仓库内的6000件旧货在网上进行大甩卖。

    California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to compensate for budget deficits , the California warehouse within the6000 second-hand online at Big Bargain .