
  1. 用福鼎大白茶等11个品种为材料,通过测定花粉生活力及作杂交亲本组合试验,观察其结实率、F1出苗率和茶苗生长势,对茶树的孕性进行了研究。

    The fertility of tea plant has been investigated on 11 tea varieties by determining the pollen viability , fertility rate , emergence rate and growth vigor of F_1 generation .

  2. 对福鼎大白茶、白毫早等7个代表性茶树品种以及新梢不同部位的叶片和茎梗多糖进行分析。

    Polysaccharide was extracted from tea of 7 cultivars , and its composition and activity was analyzed .

  3. 对福鼎大白茶等7个大中叶茶树品种进行翠毫香茗扁形茶的适制性及内在生化机制的研究。

    A study on manufacturing suitability to make " Cuihao Xiangming " flat-shaped tea with seven big , medium-leaf tea varieties and their biochemical mechanism were conducted .

  4. 经1986~1995年品种比较试验,结果表明,该品系与福鼎大白茶相比,春季萌芽期早,同期萌展值大0.05~0.78;

    Based on the variety comparative test carried out in1986-1995 , the selected line sprouts earlier in spring ( the sprouting value is0.05-0.78 greater ) compared with Fuding Dabaicha , the CK parent .

  5. 以福鼎大白茶×浙农12人工杂交后代为育种材料,经系统选种、无性繁殖,育成优质、高产茶树新品种&浙农176。

    The quality and high yield tea Cultivar " Zhenong 176 " has been bred by means of systematic selection and vegetative propagation from the hybrids of " Fuding Dabaicha × Zhenong 12 " .

  6. 茶树盛花期的日平均温度,紫芽种不高于24℃,福鼎大白茶和水仙品种不高于20℃。

    The average daily temperature for full bloom in different varieties are as follows : not higher than 24 ℃ for Zi Ya variety ; lower than 20 ℃ for Fu Ding variety and Shui Xian variety .

  7. 抗寒性中等偏弱,越冬后有局部冻枝,抗虫性与福鼎大白茶相当;地区适应性有待于在以后的试验中继续观察检测。

    The cold resistance is medium , a part of branch will be freezed after the winter . The insect resistance is equivalent to fu ding da bai tea ; The adapt ability in different can be observed in the future trials .

  8. 以福鼎大毫茶、福安大白茶等适制白茶品种为试验材料,分别对茶树嫩梢和白茶茸毛的生化成分进行测定。

    Using some cultivars , such as Fuding Dahaocha and Fuan Dabaicha , which were suitable for processing white tea , the biochemical compositions of tender shoots and pubescence were determined .