
  • 网络Soy Foods;soyfoods
  1. 发酵大豆食品中染料木素含量的ELISA测定

    ELISA Study on Genistein Content in Fermented Soybean Food

  2. 介绍了我国大豆食品工业的发展现状及存在问题,分析了加入WTO对大豆食品工业造成的影响,并提出几项有效的应对措施。

    Introduced the current situation and . existing problems in soybean food industry in China , analysed the influence on soybean food industry for WTO and raised some effective measures .

  3. 对中国大豆食品产业走技术创新之路的探讨

    Study on the technical innovation of the soybean products in China

  4. 我国应当大力加强对大豆食品的开发与利用。

    We should put great effort in developing and utilizing it .

  5. 中国大豆食品工业现状与展望华竹毒蛾的研究

    The prospects in soybean industry INVESTIGATION ON THE CHINESE BAMBOO TUSSOCK MOTH

  6. 大豆食品&滋补奶的研制报告

    Report on preparing of a kind of soybean food nutritious soy milk

  7. 美国大豆食品加工技术的新发展

    New development of soy food processing technology in the US

  8. 新型大豆食品&大豆酸凝乳的研制

    The studies on the new soybean food & soymilk yoghurt

  9. 谷物与大豆食品的安全现状与分析

    Analyse on the Conditions of Grist and Soybean Food Safety

  10. 根霉发酵大豆食品&丹贝的营养及安全性研究

    Nutrition and Safety Study of Rhizopus Fermenting Soybean Food-tempe

  11. 大豆食品的功能价值及其加工的高新技术

    Function Value of Soybean Food and Its Processing Techniques

  12. 在蛋白质的提供上,大豆食品是惟一能够媲美肉类的植物性食材。

    Soybean is the only plant food that matches meat for protein quality .

  13. 黑龙江大豆食品加工业发展对策研究

    Research on the Development Countermeasures of Soybean Food Processing Industry in Heilongjiang Province

  14. 大豆食品的营养价值与功能特性

    The nutrition value and physiology functions of soybean food

  15. 高新技术在大豆食品中的应用现状

    Application of Modern Technology in Soybean Food Industry

  16. 方法:妇人食用大豆食品或以含大豆饲料喂食母猪,雌性大白鼠后,收集尿液,以液质联用分析仪分析尿液中大豆异黄酮代谢物的种类及含量。

    Methods : Urinary samples from human and animals were collected after soy diet consumption .

  17. 国外大豆食品研究发展动态

    Developments in Soybean Food Research Abroad

  18. 中国东北地区大豆食品文化

    Soybean Food Culture in Northeastern China

  19. 根霉发酵大豆食品的研究&脂类营养成分的测定

    The research on rhizopus fermenting soybean food & measurement of content of lipids nutrition matter in tempe

  20. 根据不同大豆食品加工的要求,培育专用优质耐逆性强的大豆品种已成为重要的育种目标之一。

    According to various requirements of soybean food processing , the special soybean varieties have been bred .

  21. 大豆食品-催生健康产业

    Soy food-expedites health Industry

  22. 谷物与大豆食品是主要的粮油食品,其安全性直接关系到人们的身体健康。

    Grist and soybean food are main cereals and oils , and its safety influences body health directly .

  23. 美国大豆食品

    Soybean foods in U.S.A

  24. 在我国人民的膳食结构中,增加大豆食品的摄入量,对于提高我国人民的健康水平具有重要作用。

    If we eat more soybean food , it will play an important role in improving our health condition .

  25. 在本篇研究系探讨一种较为迅速且较为简易的萃取方法以用于大豆食品中的异黄酮定量分析。

    No doubt , the complicated extraction process is time-consuming , and will cause underestimation as well as a quite large standard deviation .

  26. 随着人们健康饮食的意识不断增强,豆腐不仅在东方国家成为大豆食品的主要消费形式,而且在西方也逐渐受到关注。

    Tofu becomes main consumption form of soybean not only in eastern countries but also in western countries with healthy diet consciousness enhancing .

  27. 一些研究提示,大豆食品、分离出的大豆蛋白或是黄酮异构体衍生物的补充品可能对人体有益,然而另一些研究却没有发现对人体有益。

    Some studies have suggested that soy-based foods , isolated soy protein or isoflavone-containing supplements may be beneficial , while others have found no advantage .

  28. 豆豉在中医药学上是一味中药,也是一种传统的发酵大豆食品,被我国卫生部定为第一批药食兼用品种。

    Chinese traditional fermented soya beans ( Douchi ) is a traditional Chinese medicine , and the first food and medicine decided by ministry of health .

  29. 研究表明亚洲人心血管疾病的低发病率可能与亚洲人饮食中的大豆食品所含的异黄酮物质,主要是金雀异黄素和大豆苷元有关。

    Lower incidence of cardiovascular disease in East Asia compared with the west countries may be related to the consumption of soybean products , which contain soy isoflavones , mainly genistein and daidzein .

  30. 重新评价了大豆食品的功能价值,并介绍了大豆食品加工的生物工程技术、超滤膜分离技术、挤压膨化技术、微波加热干燥技术、高压处理技术、微胶囊技术和大豆食品辐照技术。

    This text revalued the function value of the soybean food , and introduced a few high new techniques of the soybean food processing , mainly is biology engineering technique , super-strain film to separate technique etc.