
  • 网络Plant evaporation;phytotran spiration;phytovolatization;phytovolization
  1. 植物蒸发蒸腾量测定方法述评

    A review of methods for measurement of evaportranspiration from plants

  2. 大兴安岭北坡参考植物蒸发蒸腾的经验公式遮光、密闭环境对番茄植株蒸腾的影响

    An experiential formula about the evapotranspiration of reference vegetation on northern slope of Great Hing ' an Mountains Effects of Shading and Obturating on Tomato Transpiration in Greenhouse

  3. 这些植物进行蒸发,释放出更多的水蒸气。

    The plants transpire to give off more water vapor .

  4. 在缺乏水分时,植物一般用蒸发作为降温的手段。

    Plants generally take evaporation as method of decreasing temperature when lacking moisture .

  5. 盖在半腐烂的植物上面减少蒸发和土壤侵蚀的一层遮盖物。

    A protective covering of half-rotten vegetable matter spread to reduce evaporation and soil erosion .

  6. 草原植物群落的蒸发蒸腾

    Evapotranspiration from the grassland communities

  7. 所以,即使地面干燥,但空气中还是有足够多的水蒸气供植物进行反向蒸发。

    So even when the ground is dry , there can be enough extra water vapor in the air for plants to use reverse transpiration .

  8. 植物叶面农药雾滴蒸发时间研究在我国的应用

    Application of evaporation of pesticide droplets on plant leaves in China

  9. 大气水势远远低于土壤水势和植物水势是土壤蒸发和植物蒸腾的总动力源。

    But the water potential was lowered by hundred MPa from plant to atmosphere .

  10. 大量潮湿在雨水到达植物根部之前就蒸发了。

    A lot of the wetness will evaporate before the rain reaches the plant 's roots .

  11. 植物的蒸腾与蒸发(蒸散)速率的测定和计算方法是目前植物生理生态学的研究重点,但目前的常规方法,都无法区分蒸腾与蒸发。

    The mensuration and calculation of transpiration and evaporation of plants are now the keystones in plant physiology .

  12. 蒸散发既包括从地表和植物表面的水分蒸发,也包括通过植物表面和植物体内的水分蒸散。

    The transpiration includes the water from the ground and the plant surface , also the inside of the plant .

  13. 冬季浇水要控制冬季植物中水分的蒸发量比夏季少得多,不必经常浇水。

    Winter waters the capacity of the moisture in wanting to control winter plant is gotten lesser than the summer much , often need not water .

  14. 不同季节土壤水分含量固定沙地变化最大,流动沙地最小,说明固定沙地的植物蒸腾和土壤蒸发耗水大于流动沙地。

    The largest variation of soil water content was fixed dune and the smallest was moving dune , and this explained that plant transpiration and soil evaporation of fixed dunes were larger than the moving dunes .

  15. 与固定半固定沙丘相比,流动沙地丘间低地土壤各层水分处于高含水量状态,说明固定沙地的植物蒸腾和土壤蒸发耗水量大于流动沙地丘间低地。

    Compared with the fixed or semi-fixed dunes , the lowland among moving dunes showed high soil water content , and this explained that plant transpiration and soil evaporation of fixed dunes were larger than the moving dunes .

  16. 评述了水文学方法、微气象学法、植物生理学方法、红外遥感法等4类植物蒸发蒸腾量测定方法的基本原理、计算方法、优缺点及误差来源等;

    A summary was made on the basic principle , calculation method , advantages and disadvantages , and errors of four methods for evaportranspiration measurement , including the hydrological method , the microclimate method , the plant physiological method , and the remote sensing method .

  17. 一株植物中作用于一个正在升高的水柱之上的拉力来自该植物顶部水的蒸发。

    The pull on a rising column of water in a plant results from the evaporation of water at the top of the plant .

  18. 这些植物还会改变形状,萎缩以使表面积最小化,剩余的水正是通过植物表面蒸发掉的。

    The plants also change shape , shrinking to minimize the surface area through which their remaining water might evaporate .