
  • 网络plant growth substance;growth regulators;plant growth regulator;plant growth regulating substance
  1. 植物生长调节物质对栓皮栎茎芽增殖和生长的影响

    Influence of Growth Regulators on Shoot Proliferation and Growth in Quercus variabilis

  2. 真空预冷促进月季切花吸收保鲜剂植物生长调节物质在月季切花生长发育过程中的应用

    Enhancement of Preservative Solution Supply by Cut Rose under Vacuum Precooling The Application Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the Growth and Development of Rose-cutting

  3. 多胺(Polyamines,PAs)作为一种新型的植物生长调节物质,是生物体代谢过程中产生的一类具有强烈生物活性的低分子量脂肪族含氮碱。

    Polyamines as a new plant growth regulators are low molecular weight ubiquitous nitrogenous compounds with a strong biological activity in all organisms and cells .

  4. 为了提高植物生长调节物质1-萘甲氧基乙酸溶液的润湿性和渗透性,将其与SDS(十二烷基硫酸钠)等表面活性剂进行了复配。

    In order to improve wettability and permeability of 1-naphthyl methoxy acetic acid aqueous solution ( regulative substance of plant growth ), which was mixed with SDS and other surfactants .

  5. 以重庆市主栽和自育的甘薯优良品种为试材,比较了植物生长调节物质萘乙酸(NAA)和6苄基腺嘌呤(BA)对甘薯离体器官发生的影响。

    Effects of plant growth substances NAA and BA on in vitro organogenesis of sweetpotato were studied in this paper , and the test materials were the cultivars mainly cultivated or bred in Chongqing .

  6. 研究不同粒型小麦品种花后叶面喷施GA3,6-BA等植物生长调节物质及N-P-K营养液(以下称外源物质),对小麦激素含量及源库的调节作用。

    The modulating effects of source-sink and the hormone contents of different wheat varieties were studied by spraying exterior substance after florescence .

  7. 植物生长调节物质对食用稻米品质的影响研究

    Research on Effects of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Rice Quality

  8. 植物生长调节物质诱导栽培作物雄性不育的效果

    Efficacy of inducing male sterility in crops by plant growth regulators

  9. 植物生长调节物质对春小麦种子萌发的效应

    Efficiency of plant growth regulation substances in Seed Germination of Spring Wheat

  10. 植物生长调节物质对山核桃嫁接的效用

    The Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Carya cathayensis Grafting

  11. 植物生长调节物质对棉花不同性状的影响

    Effect on cotton different characters with plant growth regulator

  12. 植物生长调节物质在抗旱中的应用

    Application of Plant-growth Regulators in Combat Drought of Plant

  13. 甘草毛状根中内源植物生长调节物质的分析

    Analysis of Endo-Plant Hormones in Hairy-Roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis

  14. 外源植物生长调节物质对烟叶中腐胺和烟碱含量的影响

    Effects of Exogenous Plant Growth Regulators on Putrescine and Nicotine Contents in Tobacco Leaves

  15. 不同植物生长调节物质对芍药离体培养的影响。

    Effects of different plant growth regulators on tissue culture of Paeonia lactiflora pall .

  16. 活性碳对培养基中植物生长调节物质的吸附作用

    The Effect of Activated Charcoal on the Adsorption of Plant Regulators in Culture Medium

  17. 温度与植物生长调节物质对紫罗兰生育及其开花的影响

    The Effects of Temperature and Plant-growth Regulators Materials on the Growth and Flowering of Stock

  18. 植物生长调节物质的研究进展

    The research progresses of plant growth substances

  19. 研究结果表明,不同植物生长调节物质对驱蚊香草的诱导效应不同。

    The results showed that different hormones had different induce effect on mosquito abjection vanilla .

  20. 结果表明:单独使用三种植物生长调节物质在一定浓度范围内均能产生愈伤组织;

    The results showed that all the three regulators could induce callus under certain concentration ranges .

  21. 植物生长调节物质与C~(14)-光合同化产物调配的研究

    Studies on plant growth regulators and transport of c ~ ( 14 ) - photosynthetic assimilates

  22. 硼及植物生长调节物质对阿月浑子花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响

    Effects of boric acid and plant growth regulating substances on pollen germination and tube growth in pistachio

  23. 种子中的贮藏物质和植物生长调节物质的变化有利于种子萌发。

    The changes of stored reserves and plant growth regulators in recalcitrant seeds were favourable for seed germination .

  24. 葡萄贮藏过程中落粒与离区酶活性变化及植物生长调节物质的关系

    The Relation of Grape Berry Abscission to Changes of Enzyme Activity in Abscission Zone and Plant Growth Regulators During Storage

  25. 植物生长调节物质不但控制细胞分裂,也影响着紫杉醇或紫杉烷类化合物的合成。

    The growth regulators not only could control the cell division , but also influenced the synthesis of the taxol and taxanes .

  26. 植物生长调节物质对新红星苹果钙营养的影响

    Effects of Some Plant Growth Regulators on the Development and Calcium Accumulation of Young Fruit in the 9-year-old ' Starkrimson ' Apple

  27. 高效叶面肥含有的营养成分及植物生长调节物质对蔬菜体内的代谢反应具有调节作用,对蔬菜的保鲜效果明显。

    Concentrated leaf spray fertilizer containing nutritional components and plant growth regulators regulates the metabolism in plant , so that the effect of vegetable fresh preservation is obvious .