
  1. 这位未告知其年龄的父亲说他的儿子从村里走丢时只有20个月大,他们的村位于城月镇,村名是WenzhangXi.

    Shengkuan whose age is not specified said his son was 20 months old when he went missing from the village of Wenzhang Xi in Chengyue Town .

  2. 城中村问题出现至今已经30余年,各大城市的城中村改造正在紧锣密鼓的进行着,关于城中村改造的研究也是层出不穷。

    So far , villages problems have lasted more than 30 years , many great cities have been engaged in the process of rebuilding the villages , the research about it is also emerge in endlessly .

  3. 然而人们认为还有两只体型更大的鳄鱼仍然在村里。

    But two more giant crocodiles , even bigger than this one , are believed to be still there .