
  1. 结论大祝县羊寄生虫感染十分严重,虫体种类繁多。

    Conclusion The infection of parasite of cheep in Tianzhu county were very serious .

  2. 蜡烛愈多,愿望就愈大。祝你生日快乐!

    Happiness on Your Birthday and Always !

  3. 要认真的学习,用科学的、适合自己的方法去学习!不要有太大压力!祝你成功!

    Want serious study , use science , the method that suits oneself goes learning ! Do not have too great pressure ! Wish you are successful !

  4. 我不是商人,所以关于此举是否会改变中国与好莱坞之间的影视业务往来(很多人对我提起过),我只能说:这是件大好事,祝你们好运,但这与我毫无关系。

    I 'm no businessman , so the whole question of whether this changes the business between Hollywood and China , which some people have mentioned to me : great , good luck . But it doesnt have anything to do with me .

  5. 正因如此,今年是美好的一年。正因如此,我信心满满,新的一年我们定将取得更大的成就。祝大家节日快乐!

    That 's why it 's has been a good year.And it 's why I 'm confident we 'll keep achieving big things in the New Year.So happy holidays , everybody .