
  • 网络present;initiate
  1. 主席正式介绍新当选的委员。

    The chairman initiate the newly elected members of the committee .

  2. 我一直没有正式介绍自己,我是弗雷迪·劳兹。

    I never formally introduced myself . I 'm Freddie Lounds .

  3. 我们还没被正式介绍过。

    NO04 , We 've never been properly introduced .

  4. 见到你很高兴那天没来得及正式介绍一下

    Charmed . We didn 't officially get to meet the other day .

  5. 他正式介绍我加入运动俱乐部。

    He initiated me into the sports club .

  6. 剧团的男演员也未经正式介绍就结识了她。

    The members of the opera company made her acquaintance without the formality of introduction .

  7. 接著孩子们被带上前来,彼此正式介绍过后,得到双方家长的赞许。

    Then the children had been brought forward , introduced , and approved of by both sides .

  8. 每位同学都要对我们将要在课堂上拿来讨论的研究论文之一做次5分钟的正式介绍。

    Each student will give a5 minute formal introduction to one of the papers that we will discuss in class .

  9. 她太害羞了,再说那个年代里女孩子没经正式介绍是不会与陌生人交谈的。

    She was much too shy , and in those days a woman didn 't talk to a stranger without a formal introduction .

  10. 这个词从上流女子舞会里借用过来的,因为在这种场合中,年轻女子正式介绍到社交圈会时,都称作出柜。

    The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls , where young women came out in being officially introduced to society .

  11. 正式介绍这部分之前,笔者用下面这个表格列出了国际外汇交易市场中的主要交易货币和它们的交易代码

    Before that , here is a list of major currencies traded in the global foreign exchange ( FX ) markets and their corresponding codes

  12. 你的第一句话(在经过正式介绍后)应该说她有多么高贵、多么灿烂、多么迷人。

    Your first words ( after the formal intro ) should be in any way saying how great , gorgeous , fantastic she looks .

  13. 本学期中,每人要做一次5分钟正式介绍,内容为当天课堂讨论的文章之一。

    At some point in the semester , you will give a5 minute formal introduction to one of the papers being discussed in class that day .

  14. 要获得梦想中的工作并不只要求有一份书写精美的简历就行了-你还需要一份引人注目的求职信正式介绍自己并展示你的价值。

    Landing that dream job doesn 't only require a well-written resume-you 'll also need a sparkling cover letter to formally introduce yourself and present your value .

  15. 我说出我们的姓名和身份,然后我正式介绍我们:阿龙纳斯教授,他的仆人康塞尔,鱼叉手尼德·兰师傅。

    I stated our names and titles ; then , in order , I introduced Professor Aronnax , his manservant Conseil , and Mr. Ned Land , harpooner .

  16. 这也算是那个时期的一则轶事了。林书豪留着一款头顶有紧致发辫的新发型,与其他五位该球队在赛季后引入的球员一起,被正式介绍上台。

    Mr. Li - , wearing a new hairstyle featuring of tight braids atop his head , was officially introduced on a podium along with five other off-season acquisitions .

  17. 一种较有计划的方法依然存在,即伟大而古老的介绍信系统(今天电子邮件较有可能),把你正式介绍给熟人的熟人。

    For a more systematic approach , there is still the grand old system of the letter of introduction ( today more likely to be an e-mail ), presenting you formally to the acquaintance of an acquaintance .

  18. 德尔·布鲁斯已经正式介绍给英国皇室成员,并已经取得皇室的认同。有消息称,皇室觉得这个女孩十分甜美、风趣而且颇有吸引力。”

    He and Flee are enjoying a real summer romance , " said a source . ' Flee has been introduced to William and to Palace aides , which is a significant step . ' She has gone down a storm in the Royal household . Harry 's aides think she is sweet , funny and charming . "

  19. 保罗:我想我们还没有正式地介绍过。

    Paul : I don 't think we 've been properly introduced .

  20. 请允许我正式的介绍我自己一遍。

    Allow me to present myself , um , formally .

  21. 握手是一种非常正式的介绍方式。

    Its quite a formal introduction .

  22. 我还没正式自我介绍。

    I never properly introduced myself .

  23. 这是你做给投资者正式的议案介绍。

    This is your more formal pitch presentation that you make to investors .

  24. 女士们,我正式向大家介绍我亲爱的朋友,卡洛琳·钱宁

    Ladies , I would like you all to meet my dear friend , Caroline Channing .

  25. 我们还没有正式的彼此介绍过。

    We 've formally been introduced .

  26. 申述正式地引见或介绍你介不介意销售进口引擎?

    To present or introduce officially . Do you mind selling imported engines ?

  27. 然后,你可以正式地做自我介绍,并且对你今天所要讲的内容进行概述。

    Then , you can then formally introduce yourself , and give your audience an overview of your speech .

  28. 你也可以要求一个正式的会议来介绍自己的想法和观察,但也要准备当有人提问时,你能够把自己的专业更细化和深化进行介绍。

    Prepare to ask for a formal meeting to share ideas and insights , but always be ready to detail your expertise in-depth and on the spot if someone asks .

  29. 当她正式向全国人民介绍自己的时候,佩林必须赢得那些怀疑她能力的人的支持。从她获得的掌声来看,她成功地赢得了在场共和党人的支持。

    Palin had to win over those skeptical about her abilities , as she formally introduced herself to the nation , and judging by the applause she received , she succeeded among the Republicans present .