
kē tóu
  • kowtow;kowtow,kotow
磕头 [kē tóu]
  • [kowtow,kotow] 旧时礼节,跪在地上两手扶地,头挨地

磕头[kē tóu]
  1. 我不想给他这样的无名小卒磕头。

    I 'm not going to kowtow to a mere nobody like him .

  2. 也就是说,那些更开放的父母认为磕头是封建的。

    Maria : That is to say , those who are more liberal regard Kowtow as feudal .

  3. 这个词最开始进入西方是1757年。Kowtow磕头

    The word was first introduced to Westerners in 1757 .

  4. 小偷不停地磕头致谢。

    The thief kowtowed and thanked him repeatedly .

  5. 躲在梁上的小偷听了,很惭愧,连忙翻身落地,磕头求饶。

    Much ashamed upon hearing this , the thief hiding on the beam promptly2 jumped down to the ground , kowtowed and begged for forgiveness .

  6. 许多善男信女在磕头祈祷。

    Numerous devout men and women are kowtowing and praying .

  7. 向他磕头谢罪以雪他受辱之耻。

    That he offer Pai Mei his neck to repay the insult .

  8. 古代,大臣见到皇帝要磕头。

    In ancient times officials kowtowed to the emperor when they met with him .

  9. 磕头拜年,父母给压岁钱。

    They will give us new year money .

  10. 小林在他父母的墓前跪下磕头。

    Xiao Lin knelt before his parents'tomb .

  11. 宋玉连忙磕头说:“是的,也许会有吧。

    Song Yu quickly kowtowed and said : " Yes , it may be so .

  12. 你能想象吗?我跪下给她磕头乞求她放过我?

    Can you imagine that I was give her a kowtow to beg her to spare me ?

  13. 当生活向你磕头,即明知是诱饵,你也会咬住。

    When life kowtows to you , you will bite it , even you know it 's just lure .

  14. 小型直齿浇包可用较高的安全转轴,一个制动器控制竖直力矩,根本不存在磕头现象。

    Small straight teeth casting ladle available high safety revolving shaft , a brake control vertical torque , doesn 't exist kowtow phenomenon .

  15. 英国式磕头作揖似乎很管用,但英国博取欢心的努力遭遇了迥然不同的反应。

    The Kiwi kowtow appears to have worked quite well but British attempts to curry favour are met with a very different response .

  16. 慢慢的,陈二奶奶抬起头来,点着头看了看大家;童儿扯了扯祥子,教他赶紧磕头。

    Slowly , Grandmother Chen raised her head and looked around , whereupon the " acolyte " tugged at Xiangzi to make him kowtow .

  17. 四千年以来,中国人民一直是向祖先坟墓磕头膜拜,寻求过去生活的答案。

    For four thousand years the Chinese people have been kowtowing before their ancestral tombs , seeking an answer to life in the past .

  18. 直齿浇包是两个制动器,分别控制倾倒力矩和竖直力矩,交换间隙可调,没有磕头现象;

    Straight teeth casting ladle is two controllers , divide control pouring torque and vertical torque , exchange space is adjustable , not kowtow phenomenon ;

  19. 一路上看到田野里火光点点,处处有人在自家祖坟前磕头。

    As we rode on , I saw more fires flaring from the fields and everywhere men knocking their heads on the ground before their ancestral tombs .

  20. 再走几条街就是哈吉·雅霍清真寺,僧侣在那儿高声呼喊,号令那些朝拜者铺开毯子,朝西边磕头,诚心祷告。

    A few blocks away , from the Haji Yaghoub Mosque , the mullah bellowed azan , calling for the faithful to unroll their rugs and bow their heads west in prayer .

  21. 刘四爷很满意有这么多人来给他磕头祝寿。更足以自傲的是许多老朋友也赶着来贺喜。

    Fourth Master Liu was gratified by the number of people who came to kowtow and congratulate him , and his elation increased with the arrival of many old friends to wish him a happy birthday .

  22. 磕头是春节拜访仪式之一,但现在却换成了春节的问候与美好的祝愿,例如,祝愿发财。

    To kowtow used to be one of the rites involved in paying the spring Festival visits , but now it is replaced by the Spring festival greetings with best wishes , for instance , wishes for a good fortune .
