
  • 网络Great Stone Bridge
  1. 这就是大石桥上留下各种痕迹的由来。

    This is how these marks on the bridge come from .

  2. 城市设计与建筑设计的一体化&大石桥南楼镁都大街设计

    The city designs the integration with the design of building

  3. 我国大、中学体育衔接的研究发展中的大石桥市金桥中学

    Study on Link of Physical Ed Between Colleges and Middle Schools in China

  4. 查理大桥是一座连接老城区和小城区的哥特式大石桥。

    Charles Bridge is a stone Gothic bridge that connects the Old Town and Lesser Town .

  5. 以辽宁省大石桥市廉价镁砂为主原料,制备具有吸附功能的氧化镁吸附剂。

    This paper is inclined to present the authors'study results of the inexpensive magnesia sands from Dashiqiao area , Liaoning , to be applied as absorbents .

  6. 结果表明,大石桥地区的菱镁矿开采严重影响了研究区域内的地球化学环境以及各种金属非金属元素在不同生态环境因子中的含量;

    Analysis results show that the exploitation of magnesite seriously affects the content of each element in different factors and the geochemical environment conditions of the area .

  7. 阐述“大石桥美食城”规划设计中的构思和设计手法,提出特殊限制条件能够产生特殊的构思手法。

    The article expounds the concept and skills in the planning and design of Dashiqiao dainty snack city , and suggests to use special design according to special limitations .

  8. 本文详细地论述了大石桥式菱镁矿矿石的物质组成、结构构造、矿石类型和工艺性质,并结合矿床地质探讨了矿石的成因。

    The authors give in detail discussion on the mineral composition , the tectonic structure of the formation , the ore characteristic , and the technical performance of the ore. The origin of the deposits is studied based on their geology .

  9. 他们那天是绕着圈子走的,所以始终离他们的屋子不远,她听从了他的指挥回去睡觉,只要走过那条河上的大石桥,再沿着那条路向前走几码就到了。

    Their walk having been circuitous they were still not far from the house , and in obeying his direction she only had to reach the large stone bridge across the main river , and follow the road for a few yards .

  10. 赵州桥,又名安济桥,坐落在石家庄东南45千米赵县城南汶河之上,因桥体全部用石料建成,当地俗称大石桥。

    Zhaozhou Bridge is also called Anji Bridge . It is on the Jiaohe River to the south of Zhaoxian County town , 45 kilometers southeast of Shijiazhuang , Hebei Province . Because lhe whole bridge was made of stone materials , it was called Big Stone Bridge by the local people .