
  • 网络Rasa;granulated blastfurnace slag
  1. 碱性氧化物含量低、SiO2含量高的酸性镍冶炼水淬渣,欲获得较高的活性,须磨到足够大的比表面积和选用适宜的活化剂。

    Ground to fine enough so with large specific surface and using adequate activator are the necessary measures to gain high reactivity for pulverized slag of nickel smelting with low caustic oxide content and high SiO_2 .

  2. 以高炉水淬渣为吸收剂处理烧结烟气工业实践

    The industry practice of treating sintering gas with blast furnace slag

  3. 用于充填采矿的高性能水淬渣胶凝材料

    High - performance Gelled Material from Water Quenching Slag for Backfilling

  4. 水淬渣作吸附剂处理含铜冶炼工业废水的研究

    Treatment of Copper Smelter Wastewater with Water Granulated Slag as Adsorbent

  5. 制备混凝土用细磨镍冶炼水淬渣的活性

    Reactivity of Pulverized Slag from Nickel Smelting for Concrete Preparation

  6. 全尾砂-水淬渣膏体性能参数测试方法研究

    Research o method of parameter measure of unclassified tailings-slag paste

  7. 含钴铜水淬渣还原熔炼综合回收研究

    Study on Recovering Copper and Cobalt from Copper Slag by Reduction Smelting

  8. 利用热风炉废烟气干燥高炉水淬渣的实验研究

    Stove-exhausting gas used to dry the water-chilled dreg from a blast furnace

  9. 高炉水淬渣在生活污水处理中的应用

    Application of water-granulated slag of blast-furnace on domestic sewage treatment

  10. 高炉水淬渣的利用研究

    The Research on Utilization of Blast Furnace Water Quenching Residue

  11. 高钛型高炉水淬渣烧结砖的研制

    Research on the high-titanium granulated blast furnace slag fired brick

  12. 水淬渣&石英砂双层滤料反冲洗试验研究

    Study on Backwashing of Granulated - Slag and Quartz Sand

  13. 上海地区水淬渣桥梁的病害特征分析

    Analysis of Disease Characteristics of Water Quenching Slag Bridge in Shanghai Area

  14. 水淬渣的胶凝活性及其形成机理

    Research of Formation Mechanism on Cementitious Reactivity of Water-cooled Slag

  15. 含钛高炉水淬渣在高炉煤气净化水处理中的应用

    Application of Water Granulated Slag to Dispose of Blast Furnace Gas Cleaner Effluents

  16. 研究以细磨镍冶炼水淬渣制备低标号混凝土的工艺。

    The technology on low-grade concrete preparation with pulverized slag from nickel smelter is studied .

  17. 水泥稳定粉煤灰、水淬渣在公路工程中的应用

    The Application of Cement Stabilized Flyash , Water Guench Blast Furnace Slag to Highway Engineering

  18. 从水淬渣中回收镓的试验研究

    Study of Ga Recovery from Granulation Slag

  19. 利用水淬渣稳定土的研究

    Research on industrial waste stabilized soil

  20. 高温贫化-浮选法从炼铜水淬渣中回收铜漳村矿选煤厂浮游选煤加药自动化研究

    Recovery of Copper from Water Quenched Slag of Copper Smelting by Impoverishment at High Temperature and Flotation

  21. 探讨了水淬渣处理稀土氨氮废水的工艺条件及作用机理。

    The process and action mechanism of the rare-earth ammonia-nitrogen wastewater adsorption treatment by water-quenched slag were studied .

  22. 介绍用于充填采矿的高性能水淬渣胶凝材料的性能及使用效果。

    The performance and applying effect of the gelled material from the water quenching slag for backfilling are described .

  23. 采用高温脱硅&磁选工艺从炼铜水淬渣中回收铁。

    Process of desilication under high temperature-magnetic separation was adopted for iron recovery from water quenched slag of copper smelting .

  24. 研究了以水淬渣-累托石为吸附剂对含Cu2+的冶金废水进行处理。

    The treatment of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) - containing metallurgical wastewater with water-granulated slag and rectorite as adsorbent has been studied .

  25. 试验结果证明,利用酸溶性钛渣制取钛白是完全可行的,相同条件下,水淬渣的酸解率高于未水淬渣。

    The process parameters of digestion and hydrolysis were defined by the laboratory experiments , and the results showed the process of producing titanium dioxide by acid dissolved titanium slag was feasible .

  26. 试验证明水淬渣-石英砂双层滤料采用气.水反冲洗在冲洗效果、减少冲洗时间、降低冲洗耗水量及避免混层等方面比单水反冲洗有优势。

    By testifying double-layer of granulated-slag and quartz sand , the effect of water-gas backwashing is superior to water backwashing on many aspects of avoiding mixing filtration media , reducing backwashing time and consuming water .

  27. 电厂生活污水用生物法处理后,由于水中的悬浮物疏松,采用石英砂和水淬渣组成的双层滤料过滤更适合。

    Because the intension of flocculent mass is loose after daily sewage disposed by biodegradation technique , it has good effect for double filtering layers that is made up of quartz sand and water slag .

  28. 通过水淬渣稳定土的试验研究,分析了水淬渣稳定土的强度形成机理,同时对水淬渣稳定土和石灰加固土的路用性能进行了对比分析。

    In this paper , based on systematic research on industrial waste stabilized soil , the mechanism of stabilized soil strength is analyzed , and the road performance of industrical waste stabilizer soil and lime stabilized soil are compared .

  29. 结果表明,细磨的镍冶炼水淬渣部分作骨料,部分作胶凝剂制备低标号混凝土是可行的,可用于路基填充等适宜工程。

    It is found by the results that the low-grade concrete preparation with the pulverized slag from nickel smelting as partly aggregate and partly as gelatinizing agent is practical and this concrete can be used for stuffing or building projects .

  30. 镍冶炼水淬渣粉活性随磨粉比表面积增加而提高,混凝土强度受镍冶炼水淬渣粉比表面积、用量及添加剂的影响。

    The gelatinization effect of the pulverized slag of nickel smelting is increased with the increase of the specific surface area , and the strength of the slag concrete is dominated by the fineness and dosage of the pulverized slag and the usage of additives .