
shuǐ huàn
  • flood;inundation
水患 [shuǐ huàn]
  • [flood;inundation] 由于水涝引起的灾害

  • 变水患为水利

水患[shuǐ huàn]
  1. 天然林保护与东北地区水患治理方略

    Conservation of natural forest and flood control strategies in Northeast China

  2. 长江中游主要水患区环境地质调查评价

    Environmental geologic survey on main flood disaster area of middle Yangtze River

  3. 为了国土资源调查和防洪防灾,在长江中游建立了大地形变GPS监测网,以监测水患区的构造沉降。

    In order to investigate land resources and prevent flood and disaster , a GPS geotectonic deformation-monitoring network was established to monitor the tectonic subsidence of the flooded area in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River .

  4. 由于一般较温和的气候和良好的水务基础设施,发达国家甚至可以应对非常严重的水患,比如像卡特里娜(Katrina)那样的飓风。

    Blessed with generally milder climates and well-established water infrastructures , developed countries can absorb even terrible water-related events , such as Hurricane Katrina .

  5. 介绍了T312工作面向斜轴部水患治理的经验。

    The experience of water danger reclamation in synclinal axis illustrating at T312 working face is introduced .

  6. 受水患威胁矿井延深水平排水系统的优化

    Optimization of drainage system of extension in threatened mine by water

  7. 这个地区历史上一直遭受水患之苦。

    The area has suffered from disastrous floods throughout its history .

  8. 枣庄矿区东部水患的治理与分析

    Treatment and analysis on water disaster in east part of Zaozhuang Mine

  9. 北宋黄河水患与河北农业生产条件的恶化

    Yellow River 's Flooding and the Deteriorating Hebei Agriculture Production

  10. 煤矿水患预测的有效手段

    A available method to forecast water - effusing accident in coal mine

  11. 太湖的水患与水治论长江口的综合整治与开发

    The comprehensive harnessing and development of the Yangtze river mouth

  12. 至于那次水患,我没听到甚么。

    As to the flood , I have heard nothing .

  13. 中国自古以来就是一个农业大国,同时又是一个水患频繁的国家。

    China is a time-honored agricultural country and a country with flood frequently .

  14. 英国额外捐增了二百四十万美元给乌干达的水患灾民。

    UK donates additional US $ 2.4 million for flood relief in Uganda .

  15. 黄河水患与北宋对外军事

    Inundation of the Yellow River and the Foreign Military Affairs of Bei-Song Dynasty

  16. 唐及五代时期长江流域水患

    Water Disasters of the Yangtze River Basin in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties

  17. 雨季豪雨再侵袭菲律宾水患罹难者增至五十人

    Monsoon Rains Hit the Philippines again , Bringing up Death Toll to 50

  18. 高产高效连采工作面过探巷的水患治理技术

    Water preventing technique through exploration entry in full-mechanized face

  19. 这项水利工程使这一带的水患得到了根除。

    This water conservancy project eliminated the scourge of floods in this area .

  20. 湖北省水患防治对策研究

    Strategies for the protection of Hubei Province from floods

  21. 根治淮河水患,除害兴利成了淮河流域人民世世代代的迫切愿望。

    Harnessing of the Huaihe River has become the urgent desire of people .

  22. 影响历史黄河水患因素的综合分析

    Systematic Analysis on Factors of Historic Flood Disaster on Lower Reaches of Yellow River

  23. 连续五天的雨势酿成了水患。

    Five straight days of rain caused flooding .

  24. 治理矿井水患的几种方案

    The Projects of Treating flood in Coal Mine

  25. 泥沙输移变化与长江中游水患

    Variation of sediment transport and flood disaster in the middle reach of Yangtze River

  26. 长江中游江西江段防洪干堤基础水患灾害致灾机制分析

    Analysis on flood catastrophe mechanism in Jiangxi , the Middle Reaches of Changjiang River

  27. 巢湖淤积及其对水患形成的环境影响遥感分析研究

    Remote sensing analysis of silting in the Chaohu Lake and its environmental effect on flooding

  28. 民国以前嫩江、松花江的水患与堤防工程

    Water Disasters and Dyke Works on Nenjiang and Songhua Rivers before the Year of 1911

  29. 水患和表面分化已经成为威胁我国石质文物的重要问题。

    Flooding and the threat of differentiation has become an important issue of stone artifacts .

  30. 根治长江水患兴建川境长江上游控制性水库

    Permanent Harnessing of Yangtze River Floods by Building Controlling Reservoirs Along Upper Reaches within Sichuan