- 名coliphage

Mechanism of synergetic inactivation of coliphage f_2 by copper and VitaminC
Synergetic Virucidal Effect of Low Amperage Direct Current and Low Level Chlorine on Coliphage f2 in Water
Conclusion Direct current with a certain intensity might enhance inactivation effectiveness against coliphage f2 of low-level chlorinated water .
Objective To observe the synergetic virucidal effect of low amperage direct current ( DC ) and free chlorine ( FC ) on coliphage f2 in water .
Isolation and Identification of a Novel Polyvalent E. Coli Phage 285P and Study of Functional Genomics
Establishment of Detection Method of E.coli Phage in Bovine Serum
Biological properties of an E.coli bacteriophage with broad host range
The property of the composite membranes characterized by sampling and detecting airborne microorganism and E.coli phagocyte in simulation room .
The respirator filtered off 99.99 % of Serratia marcescens and 99.54 % of Escherichia coli F 2 phage .
Identification of a E.coli VT Phage Receptor ( vpr ) Gene Mutant Strain
In order to elucidate the function of Era , Chen NC of our group screened the Escherichia coli Era-associated protein from phage expression library of Escherichia coli genomic DNA using Dig-labeled Era protein .
Objective To study the feasibility of using phage as the indicator of inactivation of virus with E. coliphage F2 as the indicator .
Methods Suspension quantitative test was used to observe the resistance of E.coliphage F2 to7 common chemical disinfectants and to compare parallelly with poliovirus .
Twelve-layer gauze mask showed a filtering efficiency of only 11 % ~ 15 % and could not obstruct penetration of synthetic blood , S. aureus and F_2 phage of E. coli .
T7 Endonuclease I ( T7 Endo I ) is a very in-depth studied multi-functional endonuclease , which is coded by Escherichia coli T7 phage gene 3 .
Results : The protective clothing made of cotton and nylon fabric showed a filtering efficiency of only 6 % ~ 14 % , could not obstruct penetration of water and synthetic blood and also penetration of the suspensions of Staphylococcus aureus and F_2 phage of Escherichia coli .
Effect of Turbidity on UV Disinfection of E.Coli and MS-2 Coliphage
E. coli and MS-2 coliphage were selected for ultraviolet disinfection experiment , the effect of turbidity and particulate distribution on inactivation of E. coli and MS-2 coliphage was evaluated .
This method can not be used for detecting the E. coli of non-T4 host type so that another bacteriophage , which can infect all kind of E. coli , should be used instead of T4 to solve the problem .
The pilot test results show that safe chlorination disinfection process has a little better efficiency on total bacteria count , HPC and total coliform count than free chlorination disinfection , which indicate that free chlorine and chloramines might have the synergetic disinfection effect for their different attacking targets .
The nutrient broth as organic substance had significant influence on efficacy of the hydrogen peroxide foam disinfectant in killing F_2 coliphage .