
  1. 分析大跨度建筑结构使用的步履式架梁起重机的机械性能

    Mechanical properties of foot-type beaming crane using la-span building structures

  2. 以结构形态构筑建筑形象的创作方法初探大跨度建筑的结构形态与建筑形象塑造

    Creation of the Structural Morphology and the Architecture Form of Long-span Architectures

  3. 北京大跨度建筑的发展与展望

    Development and prospects of long span building in Beijing

  4. 当代国外大跨度建筑的新动向

    New Tendency of Long span Building in the World

  5. 大跨度建筑的空间形态与结构技术理念探析

    Research on the Space Form and the Construction Technique Concept of Long-span Architectures

  6. 目前,单层网壳结构已经被广泛应用于大跨度建筑结构中。

    At present , single-layer latticed domes have been applied widely to large-span building .

  7. 薄壳彩色金属拱板在大跨度建筑工程屋顶上的应用

    Application of Thin Shell Colour Sheet Metal in the Super ? Span Building Engineering

  8. 与古今中外其它类型的大跨度建筑相比较,归纳其特点和优越性。

    Conclude their distinguishing features and superiorities compared with other long-span structures at all times and in all countries .

  9. 为满足人们生产、生活对建筑空间的要求,大跨度建筑技术不断发展。

    Meeting the need for construction space in production and life , constructive skills in long span have advanced gradually .

  10. 最后对网络拱在大跨度建筑屋盖中的开发应用提出了一些设想和方案。

    Prospects for the application of the network arch in long-span roof structures are presented at the end of the paper .

  11. 钢管结构因其诸多优越性在现代建筑尤其是大跨度建筑结构中应用广泛。

    Steel Tube Structure has been widely applied to modern architecture , especially to long-span architecture , due to its various advantages .

  12. 模板支撑架是指大跨度建筑或净空较大的建筑内部,在混凝土现浇施工时起临时支撑用的架体。

    The steel tubular formwork support frame is used in longspan or large clearance building interior to temporary support when the concrete cast-in-site construction .

  13. 随着近些年大跨度建筑在我国的广泛应用,相应的施工技术和工艺得到了快速提高和发展。

    In recent years with the increasing application of long-span building in China , the construction technology correspondingly has developed into a new phase .

  14. 本文结合大跨度建筑结构施工要求.对架梁用步履式架桥起重机设计方案要点、各机构特点做了分析。

    According to construction requirement of building the writers briefly introduce design project features of all mechanisms of walking beam erecting crane and real beam erecting situation .

  15. 因为钢结构本身的优点,大跨度建筑、高层住宅等使用钢结构的比例正在逐年递增。

    Because of the advantages of the steel structure itself , the proportion of high-rise residential steel structure and the large span buildings are increasing year by year .

  16. 以刚性和柔性结构组合而成的杂交空间结构体系以其灵活的结构布置、良好的受力性能和富于建筑表现力而在现代大跨度建筑中得到日益广泛的应用。

    As a hybrid spatial structure combined with rigid and flexible components , it is widely applied for its various arrangement and beautiful shape with great mechanical ability .

  17. 近些年来,由于该类体系在许多重要大跨度建筑中的成功应用,使其成为当前空间结构研究的热点课题之一。

    In recent years , BSS is becoming one of the focus for study in the field of space structures because of its successful applications in many important long-span buildings .

  18. 超高层、大跨度建筑的发展要求提高基础的承载力,为大直径桩的应用与研究提供了契机。

    Development of super , high-rise buildings and large span buildings demands improvement of bearing capacity of foundations , which provides opportunities for application and research of large diameter pile .

  19. 大跨度建筑及作为其核心的空间结构技术的发展状况是一个国家建筑科技水平的重要标志之一。

    Long-span space structure and its development condition and the space structure techniques as its central techniques are one of the important marks representing a country 's level of architectural technique .

  20. 本论文尝试从建筑空间形态构成与结构理论两领域入手,对大跨度建筑空间结构形式与空间形态的关系进行初步分析和探讨。

    This paper tries to commence with construction technique principle and building space form two different knowledge realms , and investigate the relationship between the space structural form and the space appearance of the long-span architectures .

  21. 因此有必要正本清源,从建造的本质认识大跨度建筑,使国内建筑师在设计理念和创作手法等方面有所提高,这正是本课题研究的发端。

    Therefore it is necessary to originate the pure source . We should understand the long-span architecture from the essence of construction to make the local architects improve their level of design principle and creation skill .

  22. 在当代大跨度建筑创作的背景下,探讨了结构表现的建构原则与策略,提出了理性和诗意并重的结构表现观。

    On the background of contemporary long-span architecture creations , the thesis inquiried into the tectonic principles and strategies of structure expressing , and put forward " the view of rational and poetry structure expressing " .

  23. 大跨度建筑的屋面结构往往集合自重轻、柔度大、阻尼小、自振频率较低等特点,因而风荷载已成为该类结构设计中的主要控制荷载。

    Large space roof structures are generally light , flexible , low damping and have lower natural frequency , they are prone to wind and the wind load is one of the most important loads to control the structural design .

  24. 中国经济的迅猛发展对建造大跨度建筑提出了更高的要求,除要解决大跨度结构的研究与开发方面的理论问题,还要着重解决施工组织及设计问题。

    The intensive growing of the Chinese economy has imposed higher requirement for long span building construction not only for mediating the long span structure research and theoretical development problems but also to solve the important problems of the organization and design .

  25. 钢网壳结构具有良好的适应性,因其承载能力高、造型美观、外型多样、流畅、节点形式简单、施工简单、节省材料等诸多优越性,在现代建筑尤其是大跨度建筑结构中应用广泛。

    Steel reticulated shell has great adaptability . Because of its strong bearing capacity , beautiful and smooth style , ease in process of construction , economic materials and other advantages ; it is widely used in modern construction especially in long span construction .

  26. 第二章:分析了大跨度建筑空间形态构成的三种手法即立意构成切入手法、元素形体构成切入手法、类型语言符号构成切入手法和三者之间的设计互动与整合。

    Chapter two : Analyzes three kinds of modes of long-span architectures space form constitution , which is space construction concept constitution , element body constitution , type language sign constitution , and advances the interaction and integration and construction of the three ways of designs .

  27. 对位于易发生地震区域的大跨度建筑,由于结构跨度的增大和结构形式的复杂化,往往是人群集中或配置重要设施的场所,一旦地震时发生破坏,必然会造成较大人员伤亡或财产损失。

    In earthquake-prone areas of large-span buildings , due to the increase of structural span and of complicated structure , which is the place that people focus or important facilities configuration , once destroyed when the earthquake happened , will cause large injuries or damage inevitably .

  28. 青岛体育馆属多功能的大跨度公共建筑。

    Qingdao sports hall is a large span multi-functional public building .

  29. 近年来,我国已经建成了许多规模宏大的大跨度空间建筑。

    In recent years , lots of long-span building structures have been constructed in China .

  30. 自上世纪90年代以来,张弦拱(拱架)已开始应用于多项大跨度公共建筑。

    Since the 1990s , beam string structure has been widely used in many public buildings with long span .