
  • 网络Covering Problem;set-covering problem;Poor level & Overshooting
  1. 图的最小顶点覆盖问题的面上DNA解法

    A DNA Solution on Surface for Minimal Vertex Covering Problems of Graph

  2. 给出了图的最小顶点覆盖问题的质粒DNA计算模型及其实现算法。

    A DNA computing model and algorithm for the minimal covering problems by plasmids were presented .

  3. 最小顶点覆盖问题的DNA分子算法

    DNA algorithm for minimum vertex cover problem based on molecular computation

  4. 基于可满足解空间的DNA算法&解决最小顶点覆盖问题

    A DNA Algorithm Based on Satisfiable Solution Space & for the Minimum Vertex Cover Problem

  5. 本文利用DNA表面计算模型对图的最小顶点覆盖问题进行了建模。

    In the dissertation , the minimal vertex - covering problems are studied from the point of computational models based on surface .

  6. 用遗传算法求解WDM全光网络优化中的团覆盖问题

    Solution to Clique-Cover Problem in WDM Optical Network Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm

  7. 本文重点研究基于ARM的嵌入式智能相机的系统搭建、检测算法和覆盖问题,主要工作有如下三个方面。

    In this thesis , we mainly study the system building , detecting algorithm and coverage in ARM-based embedded smart camera systems .

  8. 提出了一种可快速求解的矩阵覆盖问题(MC问题)。

    A matrix cover ( MC ) problem which can be solved rapidly is presented .

  9. CDMA通信系统需要解决的一个重要问题就是信号覆盖问题。

    One of the key problem of CDMA mobile communication system has to settle is the coverage efficiency .

  10. 通过指定权函数的形式,两个模型对应的最优化问题能够映射成带权的集合覆盖问题,采用贪婪策略能够得到近似比不超过lnn+1的近似算法,其中n是被监测节点的数目。

    A greedy algorithm could be used to solve these problems with an approximation ratio ln n + 1 , where n is the number of monitored nodes .

  11. 基于改进的Voronoi划分的集中式算法的无线传感器网络覆盖问题研究

    An Improved Centralized Voronoi Tessellation Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Coverage Problem

  12. WCDMA网络覆盖问题分析与优化

    WCDMA Network Coverage Analysis and Optimization

  13. 基于矩阵覆盖问题(MC),设计一种新的MC公钥密码体制。

    In this paper , we present an new MC public key cryptosystem based on the Matrix Cover problem .

  14. :研究了WDM全光网络优化中的团覆盖问题,提出了一种基于遗传算法的求解方法。

    This paper describes the Clique-Cover problem in WDM network optimization and presents a solution based on genetic algorithm .

  15. PHS室内覆盖问题和解决方法

    Problems on PHS Indoor Covering and the Solutions

  16. 箱覆盖问题是NP困难问题中的经典问题,得到了广泛地研究。

    Bin Covering has been studied in combinatorial optimization and was shown to belong to the class of NP-hard problems .

  17. 文章就高层住宅小区的TD-SCDMA的无线覆盖问题进行研究,并提出相应的解决方案。

    This paper studies the TD-SCDMA wireless coverage in the high-rise residential communities and puts forward the corresponding solutions .

  18. 设施选址问题是城市规划中经常遇到的问题,根据选址理论的典型模型,可将其分为覆盖问题、p中心问题和p中位问题三类。

    Facility location problems , which can be divided into three kinds or more , covering problem , p-center problem , p-median problem , etc. according to classical location theory , are frequently encountered in urban planning .

  19. 本文通过对RF优化中的覆盖问题和导频污染问题进行深入分析,提出了这两类问题相应的解决措施。

    In this paper , to conduct in-depth analysis of coverage and pilot_pollution problem in RF optimization , put forward these two types of issues corresponding solution .

  20. 提出了闭环DNA计算模型的基本概念及其基本生化实验,并给出了解决最小顶点覆盖问题的闭环DNA算法。

    In this paper , basic concepts and basic bio-chemistry experiments of a model of closed circle DNA computing are brought forward . Closed circle DNA algorithm of the minimal covering problem is put forward .

  21. 对于动态覆盖问题,采用k步已探测区表示机器人通过运动已经探测到的区域,提出了动态覆盖策略和递归算法,并通过仿真结果验证了算法覆盖多边形环境的有效性。

    For dynamic coverage , the k step detected region is used to represent the area that the robot has detected during its motion , and the dynamic coverage strategy and algorithm are proposed .

  22. 以顶点覆盖问题为基础,证明与或优先约束任务调度最小完成时间问题是NP完全的。

    Based on the set-cover problem , we proved that the problem of minimize completion time for AND / OR precedence constraint tasks is NP-complete .

  23. 研究表明,这两个最小覆盖问题都是NP-HARD问题,只能采用启发式算法求次优解。

    The two minimum cover problem are NP-HARD all . So we can calculate the near-optimum solution with heuristic algorithm .

  24. 为了解决这个室内覆盖问题,Femtocell应运而生。

    To solve the problem , Femtocell comes up .

  25. 集合覆盖问题已经被证明为NP完全问题,所有的NP完全问题都不能在多项式算法时间内求解。

    It is known that Set-Covering problem has been proved to be a NP-Complete problem , yet all NP-Complete problems can not be solved in polynomial time algorithm .

  26. 网络流量监测点问题可以抽象为图的最小弱顶点覆盖问题,而求解最小弱顶点覆盖问题是一个NP难题。

    The problem of seeking monitor-nodes for measuring the network traffic is regarded as the problem of finding out the minimum weak vertex cover of a graph which is NP-hard .

  27. 这就是经典的集合覆盖问题(SCP)。它是NP-hard类的最优化组合问题。

    This is the classic Set Cover Problem ( SCP ), which is also one of NP-Hard combinatorial optimization problems and one of the most well-studied problems .

  28. 为解决农村等地广人稀地区SCDMA系统通信覆盖问题,使用塔顶放大器是一个很好的解决方案。

    To solve the problem about the coverage of SCDMA system in rural area , using Tower Top Amplifier ( TTA ) is a perfect solution .

  29. 它的数学本质是最小集合覆盖问题,是一个NP-C问题。

    Aggregated Multicast can actually be attributed to minimal set cover problem , which is an NP-complete problem .

  30. 将二分图故障传播模型的故障诊断问题转化为集合覆盖问题,借鉴启发式贪婪算法,设计了最大覆盖算法MCA和MCA+。

    By transforming the fault diagnosis in bipartite FPM into a set-covering problem , two window-based fault localization algorithms MCA ( Max-Covering Algorithm ) and MCA + are proposed , based on the heuristic greedy algorithm .