
  1. 三级层序为单元的研究表明,超覆线与低位坡折平行,坡折带控制了地层超覆的分布。

    Study result of third order sequence shows that the over-lap line was parallel with low stand offshore break , and offshore break belt dominated the distribution of stratigraphic over-lap reservoir .

  2. 在这些技术当中,古构造分析与地震分析相结合的扇体识别技术、地层超覆线相干加强和波峰(谷)数分析技术,在同行中属于首次提出和开发使用。

    Among these techniques , the fan bodies identification and shape configuring combining ancient structural analysis with seismic facies analysis and stratigraphic overlap line coherence strengthening and peak ( trough ) number technique were first developed and used .

  3. 光纤二次披覆生产线自动控制系统

    The Production Line Automatic Control System for Optical Fiber Secondary Coating

  4. NSBS型号管体外覆有镀锌线网层,在屏蔽电缆产生的噪音方面,钢制电线管具有同等水平。

    NSBS type tube covered with zinc plating braid , Have the same effective with steel made tube on shielding the cable noise .

  5. 一种新型用于覆铜板生产线的在线厚度测量系统

    New on-line thickness measuring system for copper-coated plate production line

  6. 通过高分辨率层序地层学研究,发现了三级不整合面之上超覆地层尖灭线识别方法,提出了相应的地层圈闭的描述方法,对有利目标提出勘探部署建议。

    By researching on the high resolution sequence stratigraphy , it founds the recognition methods for the line of overlapping depositional termination above the third unconformity , and proposes the description methods for relevant stratigraphy traps .

  7. 研究并设计曲轴铁型覆砂铸造生产线及其自动控制系统,重点分析了该生产线的生产要求、工艺流程、主要装备功能及工作流程和生产线的布置。

    The research on production line of casting crankshaft with iron mould coated sand and its automatic control system were introduced . The production demands , main equipments , casting process and layout of the production line were analyzed in detail .