
  • 网络Atlantic Fleet
  1. 在1994年,它为大西洋舰队赢得了斯特瑞特战舰基金奖。

    In1994 , she won the Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award for the Atlantic Fleet .

  2. 在那之前的几周,美国毁掉了西班牙的大西洋舰队。

    A few weeks before that , the United States Navy had destroyed Spain 's Atlantic fleet .

  3. 要用大西洋舰队和本国舰队去支援,还得航行三千哩以上。

    It is more than three thousand miles from reinforcement by the Atlantic and Home Fleets .

  4. 弗吉尼亚最大的城市;位于弗吉尼亚州东南部;美国大西洋舰队的总部。

    Largest city of Virginia ; located in southeastern Virginia ; headquarters of the United States Atlantic fleet .

  5. 大西洋分遣舰队立即封锁了圣地亚哥。

    The Atlantic squadron promptly blockaded santiago .