
dà ɡuó yī zhì yuán zé
  • principle of unanimity
  1. 联合国集体安全机制的基础是大国一致原则,即五个常任理事国在安理会表决程序中享有否决权。

    The basis of function of the collective security mechanism of the UN is the rule of " Great Power Unanimity ", which entitles the Five Powers to have the privilege of veto in the Security Council 's ballot castings .

  2. 中国国民革命促使美国对华政策做出重大调整,并动摇了作为华盛顿体系重要构架的大国一致原则,为后来华盛顿体系的崩溃埋下了伏笔。

    The national revolution in China prompted the American government to make important adjustments to its China policy and shattered the principle of consensus among all the powers within the Washington System , finally leading to the collapse of the Washington System .

  3. 完善大国协商一致原则。

    It needs to improve the principle of consensus of the powers .