
  1. 我的头就会胀得像个大西瓜,然后突然倒在地上。

    My head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead .

  2. 我听说过生孩子就像把一个大西瓜从你的肚子里挤压出来。

    I 've heard that giving birth is like shoving a full-size melon up your anus .

  3. 她的脸看上去就像个大西瓜,脸肿得都看不到她的眼睛。

    The woman 's face looks like a watermelon . It is so swollen that you can 't even see the eyes .

  4. 《1元钱一瓣的大西瓜》但在吃前要注意问好价钱,否则可能在吃后变价!

    A slice for1 yuan , big water melon Before eating , you should ask the price , or it will change after eating .

  5. 《甜甜的大西瓜》夜里住进旅馆,我喜欢买个甜甜的大西瓜,两三块钱,比买瓶饮料还便宜。

    Sweet big water melon Staying at hotel in night , I like to buy a sweet and big water melon for2 or3 yuan which is cheaper than some drinking .

  6. 见到一片瓜地,路边堆满了大西瓜,才1美元一个(超市卖4元一个)。

    I once saw a watermelon field where each melon was selling for a mere US $ 1 . ( The supermarkets were selling them at US $ 4 apiece . )

  7. 然而,他克服了这些困难。当他耗费了三年心血制作的动画短片《打,打个大西瓜》赢得了20多个国内外奖项之后,他的职业生涯一片光明。

    He overcame these obstacles , however , and his future was assured when a short animated film on which he worked for three years , See Through , won more than 20 domestic and overseas awards .

  8. 喔唷,这么大的西瓜!

    Oh , what a big watermelon !

  9. 大伏天西瓜卖得快。

    Watermelons sell fast during the dog days .

  10. 那就大吃西瓜,粉红色葡萄柚,还有红辣椒吧。

    Munch on some watermelon , pink grapefruit , or red bell peppers .

  11. 番茄就像垒球一样大,西瓜重到无法搬动,而所有农产品都是从农场上新鲜购进的。

    The tomatoes are as big as softballs , the watermelons too heavy to carry , and all of the produce is fresh from the farm .

  12. 夏天到来的时候,有许多大的圆的西瓜。

    When summer came , there were many big round watermelons in the field .