
  • Homework;hand in;Assignment
  1. 但是,她用来交作业的访问代码既不能租,也不能买二手的,这才是她最贵的开销:分别是120美元和85美元。

    But her access codes for homework , which can 't be rented or bought second-hand , were her most expensive purchases : $ 120 and $ 85 .

  2. 他让学生们通过二维码交作业。

    He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code .

  3. 交作业前仔细检查一下拼写错误。

    Go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in .

  4. 交作业以前先检查一遍。

    Check your work before handing it in .

  5. 交作业前先检查一遍。

    Check your work before handing it in .

  6. “我们其实没有一个漏交作业的规定”,她说。

    We don 't really have a missed assignment policy , she said .

  7. 事实上,在上交作业的当天上午我还在奋笔疾书。

    In fact , I was still rewriting my midterm the morning it was due .

  8. 她仍记得第一次因为价格太高而没有交作业所经历的那种刺痛。

    She still remembers the sting of her first experience skipping an assignment due to the high prices .

  9. 艺术课终于结束时,凯伦不敢交作业。

    When the art lesson finally ended , Karen didn 't dare to hand in her work .

  10. 第二天在学校,保罗没有交作业和考试。

    The next day at school , Paul didn 't hand in his homework and a test .

  11. 他们只有在交作业的时候才使用这个二维码,这不会占用他们太多时间。

    They only use the codes when they hand in their work , which doesn 't take them too much time .

  12. 她每次交作业前都会仔仔细细地检查一遍。

    She goes over every assignment with a fine-tooth comb before submitting it .

  13. 你明天必须交作业,否则就得不到分数。

    You have to hand your homework in tomorrow , or it won 't get marked .

  14. onthenose(时间的)整点;完全A:Leroad先生,我能不能下次再交作业呢?

    A : Mr. Leroad , can I hand in my homework next time .

  15. 老师让我们按时交作业。

    The teacher had us hand in our homework on time .

  16. 他必须按时交作业?

    Does he have to hand in his homework on time ?

  17. 所交作业都必须是自己独立完成的。

    All assignments you hand in must be your own work .

  18. 他从来没有不按时交作业。

    He never fails to hand in his homework on time .

  19. 如果她再不交作业的话

    if she doesn 't hand in some of that schoolwork ,

  20. 对于迟交作业,讲师一样接纳,但是不予评分。

    Late homework will be graded , but will receive no credit .

  21. 老师要我们明天交作业本。

    The teacher asked us to hand in our exercise books tomorrow .

  22. 他本应该及时交作业的。

    He ought to have handed in his exercise book in time .

  23. 请每天准时交作业。

    Please hand in your homework on time every day .

  24. 先生,我们该什么时候交作业?

    When should we hand in our papers , sir ?

  25. 我们什么时候该交作业?

    A : When should we hand in the assignment ?

  26. 对于学生们来讲,不按时交作业是不礼貌的。

    It 's impolite for students hand in their homework on time .

  27. 你为什么还不交作业?

    Why have not you handed in your exercise book ?

  28. 你可以在周五前某个时候交作业。

    You can hand in your homework sometime before Friday .

  29. 下面我不多说了,该做画画,明天要交作业。

    Now I said a little , do painting , tomorrow Jiaozuoye .

  30. 交作业前一定要仔细检查。

    Always look your work through before handing it in .