
jiāo tōnɡ zhào shì zuì
  • Traffic accident crime;crime of causing traffic casualties
  1. 交通肇事罪的主观方面是过失,只有造成危害结果才构成犯罪。

    The subjective crime of causing traffic casualties aspect is fault .

  2. 交通肇事罪的主体范围研究

    A Research on the Subject Range of Crime of Causing Traffic Casualties

  3. 法庭的授权调查事项不包括交通肇事罪。

    The tribunal 's terms of reference do not cover traffic offences .

  4. 新刑法对交通肇事罪进行了重要修改。

    The new criminal code has made important revision on it .

  5. 论交通肇事罪犯罪构成的客观方面

    On the objective aspects of the Crime of Causing Traffic Casualties

  6. 第三部分是交通肇事罪的构成要件。

    The third part is the constitutive elements of traffic accident .

  7. 第二部分,主要探讨交通肇事罪的加重情节。

    The second part mainly discusses the aggravation of this crime .

  8. 交通肇事罪成立场所辨析

    Analysis on Occurring Place of the Crime of Causing Traffic Accident

  9. 交通肇事罪共犯质疑

    To Query the Accomplice in Crimes of Causing Traffic Casualties

  10. 论交通肇事罪中的交通工具范围

    On the Scope of the Traffic Means in the Crimes of Traffic

  11. 对交通肇事罪有关司法解释的探讨

    Reviewing A Part of Judicial Act of Traffic Accident Crime

  12. 交通肇事罪法定刑的设置;

    For example , how to design legal penalty of this crime ;

  13. 交通肇事罪是实践中的多发犯罪。

    Traffic accident crime is a sort of common crime .

  14. 交通肇事罪的主观方面只能由过失构成。

    The traffic accident crime subjective element shall only be composed of fault .

  15. 此部分研究了两个问题:第一,交通肇事罪中赔偿能力问题。

    This part mainly discusses two problems : firstly , the compensation liability .

  16. 交通肇事罪罪名及司法解释评析

    Simply analysis the crime charge of the traffic accident and judicial explanation evaluation

  17. 交通肇事罪犯罪主体辨析

    Differentiation and Analysis of the Main Body of Traffic Accident - creating Crime

  18. 略论交通肇事罪的责任判断标准

    A Brief Comment on Criteria of Liability Judgement in Crime of Causing Traffic Trouble

  19. 第一部分,主要讨论交通肇事罪的基本犯罪构成。

    The first part mainly discusses the basic constitution of the traffic accident crime .

  20. 论缺乏偿还能力构成交通肇事罪

    Road traffic crime for lack of restitution ability

  21. 浅谈“交通肇事罪”立法缺陷及完善

    The legal defaults and their perfections of the crimes of " traffic casualties "

  22. 现如今,交通肇事罪已成为我国司法实践中的高发性犯罪。

    Nowadays , traffic offense has become a high-incidence crime in our judicial practice .

  23. 关于交通肇事罪的逃逸致人死亡的认定问题,也是颇具研究价值的问题。

    Identified problems on traffic crime escape causing death , but also considerable research value .

  24. 交通肇事罪是现代社会常见多发的犯罪。

    Traffic offence is a kind of common and frequently happened crime in modern society .

  25. 任何一部法律都不可能做到尽善尽美,交通肇事罪的立法同样如此。

    Any of a law can not be perfect , the Crime legislation the same .

  26. 第四部分是交通肇事罪中自首的立法争议与认定。

    Part Four analyses the legislative dispute and cognizance of surrender in traffic accident crime .

  27. 交通肇事罪的若干问题之分析

    On the Crime of Causing Traffic Trouble

  28. 第一章主要对交通肇事罪进行总体概述。

    Including two sections mainly dealt with the general introduction to crimes of traffic accident .

  29. 第三部分主要论述交通肇事罪中事故责任的性质。

    The third part mainly discusses the property of accident responsibility in traffic accident crime .

  30. 第三部分,主要提出了对交通肇事罪的修改建议。

    In the third part , it main gives some advice to the traffic accident .