
zhònɡ dà zé rèn shì ɡù zuì
  • crime of negligently causing a serious accident
  1. 重大责任事故罪立法完善之探讨

    Probing into legislative improvement of crime of negligently causing a serious accident

  2. 重大责任事故罪罪过形式研究

    Study on Offence Form of Negligently Causing Serious Accident Crime

  3. 重大责任事故罪过失危险犯探讨

    On Potential Damage for Negligence Offense of Negligently Causing Serious Accident Crime

  4. 重大责任事故罪客体及客观方面探析

    Analysis on the Object and Impersonality in Major Accidents

  5. 论重大责任事故罪的构成

    On the Constitution of the Crime of Grave Accident

  6. 浅析当前重大责任事故罪的立法缺陷与完善

    An Analysis of Deficiency and Improvement of Law of the Severe Liability Crime

  7. 而新的形势又对重大责任事故罪提出了新的挑战。

    And the new situation puts forward the new challenge to it again .

  8. 过失危险犯立法比较研究重大责任事故罪过失危险犯探讨

    Comparative analysis of fault-danger criminal legislation On Potential Damage for Negligence Offense of Negligently Causing Serious Accident Crime

  9. 重大责任事故罪自然人主体研究&对全国63个重大责任事故案例的法律实证分析

    Research into natural person subject of criminal major accident & Legal positive study of 63 serious accidents for negligence

  10. 科学院探索客观存在的事物,而工程师则创造从未有过的东西。重大责任事故罪客体及客观方面探析

    Scientists explore what is and engineers create what has never been . Analysis on the Object and Impersonality in Major Accidents

  11. 我国刑法对重大责任事故罪的规定存在主体范围规定得太窄,罪状描述方式易引起理解混乱两方面的缺陷。

    The criminal law of China has two shortcomings such as to narrow scope for the subject of criminal major accident and unclear description method for the fact about a crime .

  12. 近年来,我国逐步重视对生产安全领域的刑事打击,重大责任事故罪是安全生产领域最常见的犯罪之一。

    Recently Chinese government is paying more and more attention on the sanction to crimes in the field of safety production , within which negligently causing serious accident crime is one of the most conventional crimes .

  13. 铁路运营安全事故罪是我国1997年修订刑法时,从重大责任事故罪中分离出来,单独增设的罪名,意在突出对此类犯罪的打击和惩治。

    Railway operational accident crime was separated from serious responsible accident when the Criminal Law was amended in 1997 . Beating and punishing this kind of crimes was stood out by setting up this crime solely .

  14. 本文以实践层面的分析与理论层面的分析相结合,对重大责任事故罪的犯罪主体问题进行研究,主要分析单位作为本罪犯罪主体的必要性、可行性。

    This paper researches on the subject of the crime of major liability accident by analyzing practical and theoretical issues , mainly focusing on necessity and feasibility of the unit being the subject of the crime .

  15. 重大责任事故罪在具有强令的情况下,由于命令强度及不利结果与事故后果的相对平衡性的不同,存在着不同的刑事责任范围。

    The crime of grave accident under the condition of being compelled has different criminal liabilities , because different degrees of the order force can affect the balance between the harmful result and the actual result .

  16. 采用比较的方法对国内外的重大责任事故罪法定刑规定进行分析,结合重大责任事故罪的特点,从刑罚功能的角度对本罪的法定刑完善进行研究。

    By the comparative method to the legal punishment of this crime at home and abroad were analyzed , combined with the characteristics of this crime , we try to perfect its legal punishment from the angle of punishment function .

  17. 在对重大责任事故罪主观方面的论述上,本文否定了理论界某些学者提出的存在间接故意的可能性以及符合罪状的形式,肯定了只能是过失犯罪的观点。

    Major Accident in the discussion of subjective aspects , the paper rejected the theory of community proposed by some scholars the possibility of the existence of indirect intentional and consistent with the form of guilt , confirmed only the views of criminal negligence .

  18. 对于重大责任事故罪的客体本文从理论上的一般客体、同类客体、具体客体的角度进行了探究,并最终赞成重大责任事故罪的客体为公共安全这一传统的观点。

    The object of the crime of serious accidents in general object of this theory , the same object , the angle of the specific object of inquiry , and ultimately in favor of Major Accident object to the traditional view of public safety .

  19. 近年来,我国一些地方突出、多发严重矿难事故,在以往的司法实践中,我国对矿难案件都是以重大责任安全事故罪或者重大劳动安全事故罪定罪处罚。

    In recent years , our country some prominent places , multiple serious mine accident , in the judicial practice , our country of accident cases are major liability accident crime or serious labor safety accident crime punishment .

  20. 近几年来各类重大责任事故频发,使得重大责任事故罪成为关注的焦点。

    In recent years , various serious accidents happened very often , which make criminal major accident become the focus .

  21. 重大环境污染事故罪的认定,主要分析了本罪的罪与非罪,本罪与重大责任事故罪、危险品肇事罪等相关犯罪之间的界限;

    It was mainly about the dividing line between crime and non-crime , between the crime of significant accidents due to environmental pollution and other relevant crimes .

  22. 第三部分,论述了重大环境污染事故罪认定方面的问题。分析了本罪之罪与非罪、及其与投放危险物质罪、重大责任事故罪、危险品肇事罪等相关罪之间的界限。

    Part ( 3 ) Questions on cognizing the crime this part mainly deal with the dividing lines between crime and non-crime , between the crime of major environmental pollution and other relevant crime .