
  • 网络Large-scale war;mass war;Large Skirmish
  1. 旧版本的奥山里NPC军队的激战让我们感觉到我们正身处在一场大规模战争中;

    The old AV with its NPC armies milling about made me feel like I was fighting in a war .

  2. 这是一种籍大规模战争屠杀大批民众的文明。

    This is a civilization that kills multitudes in mass warfare .

  3. 大规模战争期与传统语文教学模式的主导地位;

    Mega-wars and leading status of traditional Chinese educational modes .

  4. 动荡最终发展成不同殖民地之间的大规模战争。

    Unrest grows into full-scale galaxy-wide wars among various colonies .

  5. 美国内战是工业革命之后的第一次大规模战争。

    The American Civil War is the first large-scale war after the Industrial Revolution .

  6. 拒绝接受和平计划增加了爆发更大规模战争的威胁。

    The rejection of the peace plan raises the threat of a more general war .

  7. 事实上,这可能带来“欧洲爆发大规模战争的威胁”。

    Indeed , that would cause " a threat of a large-scale war in Europe " .

  8. 冷战后爆发的几场大规模战争中,私营军事企业通过外包的方式参与战争,其作用越来越大。

    The Private military firms have played bigger and bigger role in the wars after the end of the Cold War .

  9. 我们现在已经走过本世纪中点十年了,在这个世纪我们目睹了四场伟大国家之间的大规模战争。

    We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations .

  10. 不然,我们就可能面临第二次经济大萧条、愈发紧张的军事局势和大规模战争。

    If it is not , we risk a second Great Depression , rising military tensions and the prospect of big wars .

  11. 印度和巴基斯坦如今都拥有了核武器,两国之间爆发大规模战争的风险可能已经有所降低。

    The risk of a major war between India and Pakistan has probably gone down now that both are nuclear weapons states .

  12. 埃及32年前与以色列签署的和平协议至今仍是阻止以色列与阿拉伯国家爆发更大规模战争的主要保障。

    Its 32-year-old peace treaty with Israel remains the main bulwark against a wider war between the Jewish state and the Arab world .

  13. 小布什还忽略了以下事实:尽管里根增强了美国军力,但他却没有进行任何大规模战争。

    President Bush also missed the fact that while Reagan had built up the US military , he had avoided any big wars .

  14. 他的这种概念是在乔治·马歇尔而不是富兰克林·罗斯福影响下形成的。马歇尔的卓越见解是要分阶段来考虑这场大规模战争。

    His concept was framed by George Marshall , not Franklin Roosevelt The superlative mind of Marshall saw the grand war in steps .

  15. 游戏中并没有什么真正深入彻底的传奇或者故事线索,它只是发生在宇宙的派系之间的大规模战争而已。

    There is no real in-depth lore or story line to follow ; its just a massive war between the factions of the universe .

  16. 在不久的一段时间里,反战委员会在英国蓬勃发展,并联合了和平主义者、共产主义者和国际主义者,共同反对全国性的大规模战争。

    For a short time , Anti-War Councils sprung up across Britain and united pacifists , communists and internationalists against a ' national ' war .

  17. 然则仔细考察,他发动的几场大规模战争给整个汉王朝乃至整个民族都带来了灾难。

    When we study it carefully , we will find that the war has brought great calamity to the whole dynasty and even the whole nation .

  18. 游戏介绍:人类与外星虫族之间爆发的大规模战争,你的角色是一名机械部分的步兵。

    The game is introduced : The major war of breaking out between the mankind and other siphon-worm clan , your role is an infantry of mechanical part .

  19. 斯巴达国王廷达瑞俄斯的女儿特洛伊的海伦就成了这场持续了十年之久的大规模战争的导火索。

    The Trojan War Helen of Troy , the daughter of King Tyndareus of Sparta , would become the cause of the epic Trojan War that lasted more than ten years .

  20. 电话中就是一场大规模战争:失望的客户咆哮不已,对那些戴着耳机、收入微薄、声音中大多难以掩饰自己厌倦之意的年轻人大光其火。

    It is mass warfare out there : frustrated , SHOUTY customers pitched against young people in headphones earning meagre salaries and mostly failing to keep the boredom from their voices .

  21. 盖茨指出,美国已经是在伊拉克与阿富汗进行着两场大规模战争,而且必须“在更加宽广的战线上迎接即将出现的(对美国)安全的挑战”。

    Mr Gates said America has already been fighting big conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan , but had to " prepare for a much broader range of security challenges on the horizon " .

  22. 兵马未动,粮草先行讲的是粮食对于军队的重要性,事实上由于战争的发生,特别是大规模战争的发生,粮食对于普通民众来说也是一个值得特别关注的问题。

    This stresses the importance of food for the army , in fact , during the war , especially the large-scale war , food for the public is a particularly worthy of concerned problem .

  23. 美国债务比例升幅同样与大规模战争相当低于二战,但高于美国内战与一战。

    Again the rise in the debt ratio is comparable to that in big wars smaller than the second world war , but larger than in the civil war and the first world war .

  24. 只有诸如一场大规模战争这样的有强烈影响的外因震动有点类似于克鲁格曼所称之的“以第二次世界大战闻名的协调的财政扩张”可能足以打破循环。

    Only a high-impact " exogenous " shock like a major war something similar to what Krugman called the " coordinated fiscal expansion known as World War II " would be enough to break the cycle .

  25. 如果发生大规模战争,要打仗,只好停一停了。除了发生这种情况,我们一定要按照这条路线专心致志地、始终如一地干下去。

    If a massive war breaks out and we have to fight , we will have to suspend our efforts to fulfil this task , but otherwise , we must keep at it consistently and devotedly .

  26. 麦克阿瑟也是在亚洲发动大规模战争的主要倡导者;他也许没有说过这句话,但回忆一下这两人就美国重大战略遇到的麻烦曾说过些什么,是值得的。

    Gen MacArthur , also a principal advocate of a large-scale war in Asia , may not have uttered the words , but it is worth reflecting on what both these men were saying about the troubles of American grand strategy .

  27. 目前,安德烈公爵忙于正发生的大规模战争的核心问题,而他也很高兴有一些时间不再为一直萦绕于他内心的库拉金问题所烦恼。

    He was absorbed in the interest of being at the centre of the immense war that was in progress , and he was relieved to be free for a time from the irritability produced in him by the idea of Kuragin .

  28. 目前有人担心这会引发大规模的战争。

    Fears of a widening war are growing .

  29. 冷战结束后,人类再也没有发生大规模的战争。

    After the end of the Cold War , no big wars took place among the human beings .

  30. 据书中的传奇故事所讲,这里曾经发生过大规模的战争。

    According to a legend of the book , there used to be a large scale war in the area .