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dà yán
  • exaggeration
  • speak loudly
大言 [dà yán]
  • [speak loudly] 高声地说

  • (1) [elaboration of a scheme]∶有关大事的言论;重要言论

  • (2) [exaggeration]∶夸大的言辞,大话

  • 每大言曰。--明. 宗臣《报刘一丈书》

  1. 大哉言乎,我四亿五千万人民实闻之矣。

    A most remarkable statement indeed , and we the 450 million people of China are all familiar with it .

  2. 张载讲心,只就大心处言,以心体物。

    Zhang Zai-speaking heart , only on the Department made big heart to heart precursor .

  3. 自然境界体验人文山水、地域风光的纯真,大美无言;

    The natural boundary experiences humanities scenery and the region landscape with purity and untold great beauty .

  4. 现在,我只希望高手来帮我纠正错误,大恩不言谢!

    Now , I hope that the master to help me Correct mistakes , thanks a lot !

  5. 趣或趣味是因人的好奇心为一定事物所激活而产生的快乐;儒家立于礼,成于乐,道家大美无言都十分注重精神在艺术形式中的超越。

    Confucianist standing in courtesy and Taoist success in delight shows they pay more attention to the transcendency of spirits in the artistic form .

  6. 仅仅是养育我的父母的爱,以及我正在维持的家庭的爱已足以让我感觉大爱无言,我不会再需要上苍的恩怜。

    Just the love of my family that raised me and the family I 'm raising now is enough that I don 't need heaven .

  7. 三个时期的衍变,形成了传统寓言的两大特性:言意分裂和复义性。

    In the historic progress , the traditional allegory formed two main characters : one is the separation of word from meaning and the other the multiplicity of meaning .

  8. 由于最新一部007系列小说给詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)进行了政治正确的大改造,能言善道、烟不离口、大男子主义的邦德形象可能将成为过去式。

    The image of a smooth-talking , chain-smoking and sexist James Bond may be a thing of the past as the latest 007 novel gives him a politically-correct makeover .

  9. 换而言之,压力大得无以言表。

    In other words , the stress can be off the charts .

  10. 天地有大美而不言,四时有明法而不议。

    World do not speak with great beauty , four seasons have clear do not debate .