
  1. 马哈拉斯特拉邦有人口9600万,是印度第二大邦。

    Home to96 million people , Maharashtra is India 's second largest state .

  2. 以前称为大邦国。

    Was known as dae-bang region long ago .

  3. 从古以来,在你我以前的先知,向多国和大邦说预言,论到争战,灾祸,瘟疫的事。

    From early times the prophets who preceded you and me have prophesied war , disaster and plague against many countries and great kingdoms .

  4. 在北方邦,印度北部一个有着2亿人口的大邦,营养不良的情况更是令人咋舌。

    Here in Uttar Pradesh , a vast state of 200 million people in India 's north , the malnutrition is even more horrifying .

  5. 尽管印度大邦间的边界以语言为基础划定,政府却也承认以经济、文化一致性为由建立新邦要求(的合理性)。

    Though India 's big-state boundaries were determined on linguistic grounds , other claims for statehood , such as those based on economic and cultural coherence , have since been recognised .