
  • 网络the Great Pyramid
  1. 她高贵的丈夫已经开放了大金字塔宴请宾客。

    Her noble husband had opened the Great Pyramid to fete them .

  2. 大金字塔是由巨大石块砌成的。

    The Great Pyramid is made of huge stones .

  3. 扫描并绘制吉萨金字塔群地图的科学家们称,他们发现吉萨大金字塔并不完全对称。

    Scientists scanning and mapping the Giza pyramids say they 've discovered that Great Pyramid of Giza is not exactly even .

  4. 毋庸置疑,最具埃及风格的是大金字塔和吉萨的斯芬克斯(Sphinx,带翼的狮身女怪)。

    Of course the site that is most synonymous with the image of Egypt is the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx at Giza .

  5. 古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。

    The Pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world .

  6. 在大金字塔里的房间就是一处这样的地方。

    The king 's chamber in the Great Pyramid was one such place .

  7. 吉萨大金字塔,埃及

    Great Pyramid of Giza , Egypt - \# GreatPyramid

  8. 大金字塔在建成时的高度是145.75米。

    When it was built , the Great pyramid was 145.75 m high .

  9. 像大金字塔这样的工程业绩只能在埃及发现。

    Such architecture as the Great Pyramid can only be found in Egypt .

  10. 喉轮:吉萨大金字塔和埃及的西奈山,耶路撒冷的橄榄山。

    Throat chakra : Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai , Egypt ;

  11. 大金字塔是其中最大的一座。

    The Great Pyramid is the biggest of all .

  12. 用了20年的时间才建成这座大金字塔。

    Twenty years to build the great pyramid .

  13. 据说胡夫建了大金字塔,虽然有人会吃惊。

    It is said that Khufu had the Great Pyramid built , though one wonders .

  14. 第一次探索大金字塔时,才发现了这种旋转门。

    Such a swivel door was discovered when the Great Pyramid was first being explored .

  15. 大金字塔包装完整时,该有多壮观啊!

    What a sight the Great Pyramid must have been intact , in its day .

  16. 乔鲁拉大金字塔内含数不清的隧道和洞穴,总长达到了8千米。

    It consists of multiple tunnels and caves with the total length of 8 kilometers .

  17. 建大金字塔估计用了50万吨砂浆。

    An estimated 500000 tons of mortar were used during the construction of the Great Pyramid .

  18. 他是吉萨大金字塔的建造者,吉萨大金字塔被错误的认为是基奥普斯所建。

    He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza , erroneously attributed to Cheops .

  19. 位于埃及吉萨的大金字塔,其长宽高比例正符合黄金比例。

    The dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt conform to the golden ratio .

  20. 大金字塔在吉萨是三座金字塔中最大的,毗接于现代开罗的边境。

    The Great Pyramid is the largest of three Pyramids at Giza , bordering modern-day Cairo .

  21. 大金字塔是在大约5000年以前为胡夫国王建筑的。

    The Great Pyramid was built nearly five thousand years ago for a king Called Khufu .

  22. 作为一种石构建筑的遗迹来说,库弗大金字塔是件了不起的成就。

    As a monument of stone , the Great Pyramid of Khufu is a stunning achievement .

  23. 为什么教授谈论了大金字塔比例的精确性?

    Why does the professor talk about the accuracy of the proportions of the Great Pyramid ?

  24. 教授谈论了埃及人建造大金字塔可能使用的几种不同方法。

    The professor discusses different methods the Egyptians may have used to build the Great Pyramid .

  25. 当我第一眼看到胡夫大金字塔时,感觉它如此令人难以置信。

    I was so overwhelmed when I saw the Great Pyramid of Khufu for the first time .

  26. 看,那人正在吉萨大金字塔脚下的奥贝罗伊饭店高尔夫球场上挥杆。

    A golfer enjoys a game at the Oberoi House hotel and golf course near the Giza pyramid .

  27. 最大的是以高耸巍峨而被古代世界七大奇迹之首的胡夫大金字塔。

    The largest was a tall towering ancient world 's seven wonders of the first great Cheops pyramid .

  28. 建造大金字塔用了约200万石块,而且它们极其庞大。

    About two million stone blocks were used to build the Great Pyramid and they are incredibly massive .

  29. 古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。在埃及大约有80座金字塔。

    The Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world . There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt .

  30. 在底层,弥林的大金字塔是个静默之处,满是灰尘与阴影。

    At ground level the Great Pyramid of Meereen was a hushed place , full of dust and shadows .