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  • continental congress
  1. 好的。哪一个是大陆会议开会的房间?

    All right . Which one is the Continental Congress room ?

  2. 1777年,美国大陆会议第一次宣布感恩节为全国性节日。

    The first National Thanksgiving was declared by the Continental Congress in 1777 .

  3. 1775年,大陆会议指定富兰克林作为第一任美国邮政大臣。

    In 1775 the continental congress appointed Franklin as the first U.S. postmaster general .

  4. 第二年5月,各殖民地又派代表参加第二届大陆会议。

    The following May the colonies again sent delegates to the Second Continental Congress .

  5. 年,13个殖民地各派代表来到宾夕法尼亚州的费城组建了第一届大陆会议。

    In1774 the13 colonies sent delegates to Philadelphia Pennsylvania to form the First Continental Congress .

  6. 而大陆会议就是在这里举行的。

    And the Congress was held here .

  7. 非洲地雷专家大陆会议

    Continental Conference of African Experts on Landmines

  8. 大陆会议的直接指令

    Direct orders from the Continental Congress .

  9. 6月10日大陆会议指定一个委员会草拟独立宣言。

    On June10th the continental congress appointed a commission to draft the declaration of independence .

  10. 1774年的今天,首次大陆会议延期。

    1774-The first Continental Congress adjourns .

  11. 大陆会议前,乔治。华盛顿任职为大陆军团的主将。

    Before the continental congress , George Washington resigned as commander in chief of the continental army .

  12. 大陆会议对此稿又进行了长时间的、激烈的辩论,最终作出了重大的修改。

    This version of the continental congress , the long time , fierce debate eventually make significant changes .

  13. 为了使其正式化,约翰·汉考克,这位大陆会议主席在《独立宣言》上率先签名。

    To make it official , John Hancock , President of the Continental Congress , signed the Declaration of Independence .

  14. 将近一年的时间里,大陆会议一直在尽力与英国分庭抗礼,这实际上还是未正式宣战。

    For almost a year the congress tried to work out its differences with England , again without formally declaring war .

  15. 1777年6月14日,大陆会议决议,我们的国旗由13条红白相间的横条组成,

    On June 14 , 1777 , the Continental Congress resolved that our flag shall consist of 13 alternating red and white stripes ,

  16. 1782年,门罗被选为弗吉尼亚州众议院代表,1783年至1786年,他任职于美国大陆会议。

    In 1782 , Monroe was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates and served in the Continental Congress between 1783 and 1786 .

  17. 最后,在1776年,第二届大陆会议指定一个委员会,由托马斯?杰斐逊牵头起草了一份《独立宣言》。

    Finally , in1776 , the Second Continental Congress appointed a committee , headed by Thomas jefferson , to draft a declaration of independence .

  18. 在第二届大陆会议通过《独立宣言》以前,英国和美洲殖民地之间就已经战事连连。

    Even before the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence , a state of war existed between Great Britain and the American colonies .

  19. 在他出任革命军统帅以前,他曾任弗吉尼亚州下议院议员和大陆会议代表。

    He was a member of the Virginia House of burgesses and of the Continental Congress before he took command of the American Revolutionary army .

  20. 大陆会议选出托马斯.杰斐逊、约翰.亚当斯和本杰明。富兰克林等人组成的委员会,起草美国的独立宣言。

    The continental congress elected Thomas Jefferson , John Adams and Benjamin Franklin composed of such person , drafting committee of the American declaration of independence .

  21. 1776年7月4日,由杰弗逊起草的《独立宣言》在费城大陆会议上正式通过,庄严地宣布美利坚合众国脱离英国而独立。

    July 4 , 1776 , Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence conference in Philadelphia formally adopted the mainland , United States of America and solemnly declared independence from Britain .

  22. 作为一个富饶农业区的贸易中心,它是由德国门诺派教徒在约1709年建成的,它还是1777年大陆会议的会场所在地。

    A trade center in a rich farming region , it was settled by German Mennonites c.1709 and was the meeting place of the Continental Congress in1777 . Population , 55,551 .

  23. 这一问题正在日本、台湾、韩国及中国大陆的董事会会议室、工厂车间内回荡。

    That question is ricocheting around the boardrooms and factory floors across Japan , Taiwan , South Korea and China .