
  • 网络taedong;Taedong River;Taedonggang
  1. 檀君神话的文化内涵有熊、虎图腾文化、方士文化、佛教文化以及其他的汉文化等几个层面,反映了中国古代文化对大同江流域的强烈影响。

    The article holds that culturally " Tangun myth " contains bear and tiger totem culture , alchemist culture , Buddhist culture and other aspects of Han culture , and it reflects the ancient Chinese cultural influence upon the Taedong River reaches as well as its obvious historical consciousness .

  2. 我们的酒店位于大同江上的一座小岛上,无人监视的夜间漫步自然无从谈起,也不可能与普通民众互相交流。

    Our hotel was on an island in the river Taedong , so unsupervised evening strolls were out of the question . Not that there was much likelihood of interacting with ordinary citizens .

  3. 大同江斜穿过平壤市区。

    Jiang Xie in Da Tong crosses the urban district of pyongyang .

  4. 魏晋至唐,辽东作为地域名内涵在逐渐扩大,包括整个大同江流域,甚至是高句丽政权的所有辖区。

    From Wei and Jin Dynasties to Tang Dynasty , the connotation of Liaodong , regarded as a territory name , is extending , including the whole Datong River valley , even the whole area under Koguryo 's jurisdiction .