
  • 网络the Great Game;New Great Game
  1. 在商界的大博弈中,总会有输家和赢家。

    In the great game of business there are always winners and losers .

  2. 中亚的地缘政治:大博弈与小博弈

    Geopolitics of Central Asia : " Great Game " and " Small Game "

  3. 在上一场欧洲瓜分非洲的“大博弈”中,非洲处于严重劣势。

    During the last " great game " , when Europe carved up the continent , the cards were stacked heavily against Africans .

  4. 第二部分和第三部分切入主题重点分析了大博弈、小博弈的重要内容。

    Second part and the third part corresponded topic to particularly analyze the important contents of " big game ", " small game " .

  5. 这些日子你随便打开一本杂志,几乎都会看到关于美国、中国和印度在亚洲展开新的“大博弈”的标题。

    It is almost impossible to open a magazine these days without seeing a headline about the new great game in Asia between the US , China and India .

  6. 没有等待争夺的大博弈胜利;美国对叙利亚除了对其人民的福祉、其邻国的稳定、以及消除化学武器从而确保那里将不会成为恐怖主义分子安身之地以外毫无所图。

    Theres no Great Game to be won , nor does America have any interest in Syria beyond the wellbeing of its people , the stability of its neighbors , the elimination of chemical weapons , and ensuring that it does not become a safe haven for terrorists .

  7. 谈到中国的另一个目标日本,牛津大学(oxforduniversity)现代中国历史与政治教授拉纳米特(ranamitter)表示,“一场更大的博弈正在上演”,它不仅仅是中国与欧洲强国之间的互动。

    With regard to Japan , another intended audience , " a bigger game was afoot " than just interactions between China and European powers , says Rana Mitter , an Oxford University professor of Chinese history and politics .

  8. 在两个大的博弈中,我们的城市空前地发展。

    During process of these two conflicts , our cities have gained unprecedented development with massive change .

  9. 合作减排机制的形成直接取决于发达国家&发展中国家两大阵营博弈的均衡结果。

    Co-reduction mechanism of the formation depends directly on the balanced result of developed countries - developing countries " two camps " .

  10. 上汽公司将客户锁定为26岁至45岁之间的中国城市职业人群,从而在中高端市场与外国大公司博弈。

    SAIC wants to compete with the big foreign firms in the mid-to high-end market , selling to Chinese urban professionals between the ages of26 and45 .

  11. 机器博弈是人工智能研究领域的一大热点,博弈树搜索则是机器博弈的引擎。

    This paper gives profound research is game-tree search algorithm and game-tree optimization technique .

  12. 大城市利益博弈的人口空间响应研究&以上海市为例

    Changing Population Spatial Pattern of Metropolitan Cities as Response to Interests Gaming & A Case Study of Shanghai

  13. 超威同时在两个非常大的市场里博弈(PC和游戏),但没有主宰其中任何一个。

    AMD is in two very large markets [ PCs and gaming ] but not dominant in either .

  14. 本文认为,高管变更是公司治理两大主体间互相博弈的最终结果。

    The paper argues that the turnover is the final outcome of the game between the two main bodies .

  15. 中国现行的农村土地制度安排,实际上是城乡两大利益集团直接博弈的结果。

    The current system of agricultural land in China is the result of competition of two profit groups of cities and counties .

  16. 任何社会现代化的过程,始终伴随着两大利益集团的博弈:精英阶层和普通民众阶层。

    The game between the elite class and the demos class is a big problem during the process of modernization in any country .

  17. 通过建立博弈模型,分析存在大股东侵占的情况下,小股东、法人股东与债权人对大股东的监督博弈问题。

    Major shareholder control induces the abuse of ownership of large shareholder , which results in the entrenchment of minority shareholders and creditors and decreases the value of corporation .