
  1. 这篇道德经一般人称之谓大顺。

    This chapter of Tao Te Ching is usually being called Great Conformity .

  2. 次年正月,建立大顺政权,年号永昌。

    The following year the first month to establish Dashun regime era name Yongchang .

  3. 国际收支大顺差下的平衡管理&近期外汇管理政策调整分析

    An Analysis of Recent Foreign Exchange Policy

  4. 她以同花大顺(最大的同花顺次五张)获胜。

    She won with a royal flush , ie the five highest cards of a suit .

  5. 大顺是指以整个宇宙为观测点,而不是单以人为出发点。

    The so called Great Conformity means , in view the world we should base on the whole universe instead of humanity only .

  6. 人类如果不是那么自私的以自己的私利来对待世界;人类如果能够生得愚笨一点,那么,这对地球上全体生命的大顺而言,应该会是比较有利的。

    If humanity is not so selfish in treating this world and they are a little foolish , then , great conformity is possible and all creatures in the world would benefit a lot .

  7. 大顺军进人北京后,全国政治形势发生重大变化,地主阶级不甘心失败,企图东山再起。

    After the Great Shun Army entered the city of Beijing , the national political situation changed greatly . The landlord class was not willing to give up their authority and they attempted to rise up again .

  8. 另外传说这一天最受欢迎的是年满12岁的男孩子,因为12是6的二倍,寓意“六六大顺”。

    It is said that boys of the age of 12 are the most welcomed as the number of " 12 " as double of " 6 , " which means " everything will go well smoothly . "

  9. 1644年初,李自成率领大顺军从西安出发,经过大同,宣化,进入居庸关,包围北京城,守城的明军投降,崇祯帝自杀。

    In the early 1644 , he commanded the Great Shun Army to start from Xi , an , go through Datong and Xuanhua , enter Juyong Gate and enclose Beijing . The soldiers guarded the city gave in . Emperor Chongzhen committed suicide .