
xī ān chénɡ qiánɡ
  • Xi'an City Wall;fortification of Xi'an
  1. 西安城墙内侧历史地段保护规划研究

    Study on Conservation Planning of Historical Districts Inside the City Wall

  2. 西安城墙连接工程桥梁裂缝分析及处理

    Analysis of Cracks on Bridge of Xi'an Wall Connecting Project and Counter Measures

  3. 西安城墙景观重新整合,中国

    Xi'an city wall reintegration , China

  4. 西安城墙本身就是古代劳动人民聪明才干的体现。

    The City Wall itself is a true display of ability and wisdom of the working people in ancient times .

  5. 自1993年以来,西安城墙国际马拉松赛已成功举办了17届。目前己发展成为国内最具影响的国际性体育赛事之一。

    It has been hosted 17 times since 1993 , and now it is the most influential sport event in China .

  6. 西安城墙东门箭楼砖坯墙体风化因素研究报告

    The research report on the rotten factors of brick in the east gate 's Arrow tower of the Xi'an great city wall

  7. 中餐后(约1小时),乘车参观城西安城墙(约30分钟),参观大雁塔(约时间1小时)。

    Lunch at Local Restaurant ( 1hour ) . The Ancient City Wall Sightseeing ( 30 minutes ) The Big Wild Goose Pogoda Sightseeing ( 1 hour ) .

  8. 西安城墙国际马拉松赛是在现在世界保存最好、最独特的历史景观&古城墙上开展的一项国际性马拉松赛事。

    Xi ' an City Wall Marathon , an international marathon hold on City Wall , is the most perfectly preserved and unique history landscape all over the world .

  9. 除却举世闻名的万里长城之外,始建于2000多年前的西安城墙,也代表着这个文明古国全盛时期劳动人民的智慧和力量。

    In addition to the world-renowned Great Wall , the city wall belonging to Xi'an , first constructed more than 2000 years ago , also represents the power and wisdom of the Middle Kingdom in its ancient heyday .

  10. 西安城墙内侧历史地段是汇集了城墙内侧诸多文物保护单位、历史建筑、历史街区、以及地方特色民居、交通要道等的典型的环状区段。浅析云南民居的原生特色

    The historical districts inside the city wall are crowded with many cultural sites under government protection , historical architecture and blocks , local residence and key traffic path . Research on the special original features about traditional local-style dwelling houses in Yunnan

  11. 在文献研究的基础上,以历史演进的方法真实描述了西安城墙环城绿带的历史演变、改造历程,分析其功能演变与城市发展的关系。

    Based on the study of relational literature , it is described the history evolve and the transformation of Xi'an city wall green beh by the historical evolution method , analyzed the relation between its function evolution and the urban development in this paper .

  12. 然后,以古城西安城墙内历史文化旅游线路为例,结合自己的设计实践,大致勾勒出古城西安旅游形象广告的基本轮廓。

    Then , in the ancient city of Xi ' an city wall in the historical and cultural attractions as an example , the light of their own design practice , and broadly outlines the ancient city of Xi ' an tourism image advertisement basic contours .

  13. 通过对西安城墙环城绿带游憩资源分析、游憩机会分析、游憩承载量分析、不同的人的使用空间分析,提出调研典型案例的选取原则,并进行选取。

    Through to analyze the recreation resource of Xi'an city wall green belt , the recreation opportunity , the recreation load-bearing capacity , and person 's different using space , the writer propose the investigation and study typical case selection principle , and carries on the selection .

  14. 西安明城墙及护城河是相互依托的整体。

    Xi ' an City Wall and Moat are mutual-supported on the whole .

  15. 西安的城墙是中国古代城墙中保存最完好的一处。

    Xi'an city wall is the best preserved of its kind in China .

  16. 通过对西安明城墙历史沿革和历史文化价值的深入研究,提出在现代城市中城墙的功能转换。

    Through the walls of Xi ' an Ming history evolution and historical and cultural value , and puts forward the further research in modern city walls function conversion .

  17. 传统的市中心区是指被西安的城墙包围的地区,现在已经被扩大到包括在二环路的区域。

    Traditional downtown Xian refers to the area encircled by the city wall , this has now been expanded to encompass the area within the second ring road ( Er'huan Lu ) .

  18. 限于所述问题本身的复杂性以及本人学术能力与研究精力有限,因此本文的重点在于研究西安明城墙南北中轴线(以南门至北门为轴线)以东部分内侧历史地段。

    With the constraint of the author 's research capacity and time , therefore , the emphasis of this paper goes to the research on the eastern part divided by the North-South central axis .

  19. 详细明确介绍西安明城墙区南门盘道的情况,分析其空间特征以及其交通冲突情况,为第四章方案设计提供依据。

    This chapter explicitly detail on the Area of the walls of the south gate winding mountain path , and analyze its spatial characteristics and the traffic conflict situations , to provide the basis for the program of Chapter four .

  20. 最后结合西安市明城墙内局部方格路网进行实例分析,验证模型和算法的有效性。

    Third , the actual road network of Xi ' an within the Ming City Wall as an example , the results show that the model and algorithm is effective .

  21. 西安明城护城河及其环境是西安明城墙的重要组成部分,它是目前西安明城墙保护相对较弱、开发利用最充分、问题最突出的区域。

    The Ming Moat and its Surroundings is the most important component of the City Wall of Xi'an .