
píng ān
  • safety;well;safe and sound;without mishap;unhurt;quiet and stable
平安 [píng ān]
  • (1) [safe and sound;without mishap;well]

  • (2) 没有事故,没有危险

  • 平安无事

  • (3) 冒了险而未遭受损伤或损失的

  • 经过艰难的历程后平安到家

  • (4) [quiet and stable]∶指心境平静安定

  • 心很平安

平安[píng ān]
  1. 可庆幸的是,大家都平安地回到家里。

    Happily , all have returned safe and sound .

  2. 他所有的儿子都从战争中平安无恙地回来了。

    All his sons returned safe and sound form the war .

  3. 看到他们都平安到达,我感到欣慰。

    I was thankful to see they 'd all arrived safely .

  4. 听说你平安到家我很高兴。

    I was pleased to hear you arrived home safely .

  5. 他们平安的消息给大家带来了巨大的安慰。

    News of their safety came as a great relief .

  6. 亚当在撞车事故中平安脱险,只受了点划伤和擦伤。

    Adam walked away from the crash with just cuts and grazes .

  7. 愿我们大家都欢乐平安。

    May joy and peace abide in us all .

  8. 母子平安。

    Both mother and baby are doing well .

  9. 我总算平安回到了家。

    I managed to get home without mishap .

  10. 人们意识到大家都已平安归来的时候便发出了一阵欢呼声。

    There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back .

  11. 母子平安。

    Mother and baby are doing well .

  12. 他平安逃过了这场车祸。

    He escaped from the crash unhurt .

  13. 那架波音747上的9名机组成员平安获释。

    The nine crew on the Boeing 747 were released unharmed .

  14. 看到男朋友平安回来,泪水顺着她的脸颊往下流。

    When she saw her boyfriend coming back safely , tears streamed down her cheeks .

  15. 得知男朋友平安夜前无法赶回来,她的脸上掠过一丝恼怒的神情。

    A look of annoyance crossed her face when she knew that her boyfriend couldn 't come back before Christmas Eve .

  16. 祈求上帝保你平安。

    I will pray to God for your safety .

  17. 这船平安抵陆。

    The ship came safe to land .

  18. 我送她平安回家。

    I saw her safe home .

  19. 全家平安。

    The whole family is well .

  20. 英国远征军平安渡过了英吉利海峡。

    The British Expeditionary Force was safely ferried across the channel .

  21. 他平安回来后,你就无忧无虑了。

    All your troubles will vanish away when he returns safely .

  22. 得知平安到达,甚感欣慰。

    I 'm relieved to hear that you have arrived safely .

  23. 你平安回来了,我心里的石头才能落地。

    I won 't feel at ease until you come back safely .

  24. 大小平安。

    All 's well in the family .

  25. 我们平安归来。

    We got back without accident .

  26. 就在我们对这艘船的平安返港几乎不抱什么希望时,它进港了。

    We had almost given up hope of the ship 's safe return when she sailed in .

  27. 平安夜,爸爸从邮箱回来,仍然是两手空空。

    On Christmas Eve , Dad came back from the mailbox , still empty handed .

  28. 父母都渴望他们的孩子们平安快乐。

    All parents wish their children could have a safe and beatific life .

  29. A:我想买平安保险公司的“千禧红”保险。

    A : I prefer a policy of Bonus-for-Thousand-Happiness of Ping An Insurance Company .

  30. 平安夜》是我最喜欢的圣诞颂歌。

    Silent Night is my favourite carol . 《