
píng wèi zhi
  • Flat position;mean position
平位置[píng wèi zhi]
  1. 为了利用导航星的观测位置信息,给出了从星表平位置到星心视位置的高精度转换方法。

    To use the stars position information , the method of transformation from mean position in fundamental star catalogue to sight position based upon satellite is given .

  2. 1800颗恒星的三千年来的年首平位置

    Mean Positions of the 1800 Stars for the Begining of the Year During 3000 Years

  3. 我抖好被子,把它拉到跟枕头齐平的位置,这样看起来还算整洁。

    I unscramble the covers and I pull them up to the pillow so it looks sort of neat .

  4. 那就在使用时把手机放到视线齐平的位置,或端正脖子及后背的姿势。

    Bring your phone to eye level while you use it or actually training for your endurance texting with back , neck and core strengthening exercises .

  5. 这位36岁的奥斯卡女演员说她看到一个关于威廉夫妇和孩子讲话的故事,“非常酷”,两个人都蹲下来到与孩子视线齐平的位置和他们说话。当自己的孩子乔纳森两岁时,她也开始这样做。

    The Oscar-winning actress , 36 , said she read a story about the ' really cool ' way William and Kate speak to their children by crouching down to their eye level , and started doing it with her two-year-old Jonathan .

  6. 无论是身体上的政治刻画,还是肉身上的消费符码均无一例外地将肉身拔扯到与logos或物平齐的位置。

    Regardless of political sculpturing or consumer codes physically , they without exception pull the mortal body to the position of logos .

  7. 本文依据历史文献、地形地貌及亲见亲闻,对西平亭的位置、规模等作了详细的讨论。

    This article discusses the place , scope and terrain and landforms of Xiping Pavilion according to historical documents .

  8. 进一步研究了油藏的非均质性,不同驱动方式下水平井的位置,钻井液造成的地层伤害,几种不同的完井工艺和增产措施对水平井产量的影响。

    The further research on the effects of heterogeneity of oil reservoir , position of horizontal well for different drive manner , formation damage caused by drilling fluid , different well completion technologies and stimulation on production of horizontal well .

  9. 目的是解决异径蛇形管在角度、直径、球心距等任意变化条件下的展平曲线的位置坐标以及函数关系问题。

    Meantime is programmed the curve equations with MATLAB . The problems of location coordinate and functions of developed surface curve of coiled pipe of variant diameters at the state of arbitrary degree , diameter and distance between two centers of sphere are solved .

  10. 本文从管孔数量的确定、通信人手孔尺寸、管道的平纵面位置、管道过构造物的方法等多方面分析了高速公路通信管道的特殊性。

    From such aspects as the determination of conduit hole numbers , dimension of communication man holes , places of conduit horizontal and longitudinal profiles as well as methods for conduit passing over structures , the characteristics of freeway communication conduits are analysed in the paper .

  11. 平硐不同位置的最大允许振速因地质、几何形状和支护条件等因素的变化而有所不同,提出了允许振动速度在平硐的同一断面上的不同位置是不同的。

    The maximum allowable peak particle vibration velocity varies with the geology , geometrical shape and support conditions in the different positions of the adit , so it was put forward that the allowable vibration velocity varies at the different locations in the same section of the adit .

  12. 简要介绍72-71B轮式装载机反转工作装置举升臂限位器和铲斗放平限位器位置的构成,各部分结构及工作原理。

    The paper briefly introduces the structure and working prinple of working devices of 72-71B wheel - loader - reversing device , position limitators of lining arm and for leveling the bucket .

  13. 在天文计算中所用到的观测瞬间的恒星坐标,一般是从某一历元的恒星位置表中的平坐标通过视位置计算得到。

    Through the apparent position calculation , we can gain momentary coordinates of stars .

  14. 机械结构部分主要以游丝产生回复力,使传感器转轴能准确而平稳地回到起始位置点。

    The hairspring produces the force to produce recovering force on the rotating shaft to ensure it coming back the initial point .

  15. 埋弧自动焊是焊接中厚板常用的焊接方法,但常规用在平、角焊位置的焊接。

    Automatic submerged arc welding is the method for medium / thick plate welding , but it mainly to be used in flat welding and fillet welding .

  16. 提出了六点支承液压平台的两种调平方法,即位置误差控制法和角度误差控制法,设计了相应的液压控制系统,对自动调平中的有关问题进行了分析。

    Two self-leveling methods for six supports hydraulic platform on stationary base are put forward , that is , displacement error control method and decline angle control method . The hydraulic systems are given and some problems of leveling control are analysed .

  17. 若配有一个机动的头灯调平系统,确保头灯调平开关在0位置。

    If equipped with a motorized headlamp leveling system , ensure the headlamp leveling switch is in the 0 position .

  18. 其中人机对话界面包括展平初始参数的设置、动态显示展平压力和展平位置曲线、事故报警等功能。

    The interactive interfaces include the initial parameter settings of flattening , dynamic display curve of pressure and location of flattening machine , accident alarm and so on .