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tiān rén
  • Heaven and man;celestial;a man of great talent or a woman of matchless beauty
天人 [tiān rén]
  • (1) [heaven and man]∶天和人;天象和人事

  • 天人之际

  • 天人合一

  • (2) [celestial being;immortal;outstanding man (in talent or appearance)]∶仙人;神人;才能或容貌出众的人

  • (3) [emperor]∶特指天子

  1. 天人和谐与法律价值取向的转换

    Harmony Between Heaven and Man and Conversion of Legal Value Orientation

  2. 天人合一与赋、比、兴

    The Unity of Heaven and Man and Fu 、 Bi 、 Xing

  3. 皇天后土,实鉴此心。背义忘恩,天人共戮。(《三国演义》)

    Heaven above and earth below ; witness my determination ; and may gods and men scourge me should I fail in my duty or be ungrateful .

  4. 从道法自然、天人合一的中国传统智慧,到创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,中国把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入中国经济社会发展各方面和全过程,努力建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化。

    From the traditional Chinese wisdom that the laws of Nature govern all things and that man must seek harmony with Nature , to the new development philosophy emphasizing innovative coexistence of man and Nature .

  5. 从水利工程抗震实践探求天人合一思想的本质ExcelVBA技术在水域工程地震勘探中的应用

    Explore the Deep Meaning of " Tianren Heyi " from Earthquake-Resistance Practice in Hydraulic Engineering ; APPLICATION OF EXCEL VBA TECHNOLOGY IN WATER AREA ENGINEERING SEISMIC EXPLORATION

  6. 本厂位于aaaa级国家风景旅游区宁波溪口镇上,得天独厚的人文自然环境、优质的产品与完美的服务天人合一。“晨辉”将是您最佳的选择。

    The factory is located in Xikou town of ningbo , and AAAA rated National Scenic area , combining the rare historical attrac-tions , quality products and perfect service " chenhui " is your best choice .

  7. 邵雍的天人关系说&兼评王夫之对邵雍的批判

    SHAO Yong 's Theory on the Relationship between Nature and Man

  8. 试论中国传统文化中的天人合一

    On Harmony between the Heaven and Human of Chinese Traditional Culture

  9. 天人合一是中国哲学和美学的基本命题。

    Multiple value implications of Confucian oneness of Heaven and Man ;

  10. 善待自然,天人和谐。

    Be kind to nature , and achieve harmony with nature .

  11. 当代苏联文学的天人合一

    " The Unity of Heaven and Man " in Modern Soviet Literature

  12. 大学城环境建设呼唤天人合一观

    The Environmental Construction of University Towns for Harmony Between Society and Nature

  13. 天人相应观中的自然科学原理初探

    Principles of Natural Sciences in the Thought of Man Corresponding to Universe

  14. 论儒家天人合一的伦理思想

    The Ethics of Harmony of Man with Heaven In Confucianism

  15. 关于天人关系,孟子认为天与人二者是相通的。

    Mencius thinks that Heaven and human beings are interlinked .

  16. 兴之初期涵义演变与天人合一精神

    The Begining of Xing 's Meaning and the Spirit of Combing Heaven

  17. 统儒家天人观的人文主义特征

    Humanistic Characteristic of Traditional Confucian Outlook on Heaven and Man

  18. 这里面有天人合一的思想。

    There is harmony between nature and the people inside .

  19. 论梭罗自然观中的天人合一思想

    " Heaven-and-Man Oneness " in Thoreau 's Concept of Nature

  20. 我为了那件事天人交战。

    That I have fought with myself over that night .

  21. 天人从此长融洽,恩宠平安被万方!

    Peace on Earth and mercy mild , God and sinners reconciled .

  22. 天人合一思想与西部生态环境保护

    The Unity of Nature and Humanity from Protection for Western Ecological Environment

  23. 天人之间的生命对话&由四川地震谈起

    Life Dialogue Between Man and Nature & Reflections on earthquake in Sichuan

  24. 从天人相应探讨上消化道出血相关规律

    From Heaven Corresponding to Explore the Relevance of upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Laws

  25. 儒家天人合一三才论的自然整体观

    Outlook of Overall Nature of Confucian Harmony with God

  26. 其五,灵感兴发的本质涵义:天人感应天人合一。所有这五个方面,无不基于道家和禅宗哲学思想。

    All the aspects above are based on Daoist and Buddhist philosophy thoughts .

  27. 三,天人合一的生态审美追求。

    Third , the beauty unites ecology esthetic pursue .

  28. 头皮针小脑新区与太极天人合一扶正提纲

    Outline Alignment with TCM Heaven-Man Communion and Scalp Acupuncture Cerebellum New Area Andrew

  29. 中医学天人相应论体系的建构

    Construction of Theory of Human - environment Inter Relation

  30. 《汉书》中所反映的天人谐调论

    The Argument of the Harmony between Heaven and Man Demonstrated in Han Shu