
  • 网络The Aria
  1. 我们听到了天使的歌声,一会儿并有人呼叫你的名;

    We heard the angels singing , then someone called your name .

  2. 愿摇滚天使的歌声能令你安然入睡

    May choirs of rock angels sing you to sleep .

  3. 驰骋的想象,天使的歌声互相充盈着对方的心灵。

    Shi fills my heart with very special thing , With angel songs , with wild imaginings .

  4. 愿天使的歌声,圣诞之夜的欢欣,萦绕你的心灵,使你前程似锦。祝新年快乐!

    The song of the angels , the joy of that night , may it shine round your hearthside , and make your paths bright .

  5. 只是一些钢琴,大提琴,偶尔的手鼓,还有那最美轮美奂的,天使般的歌声。

    Just some pianos , cellos , occasionally some darobokkas and the most beautiful voice that only an angel can sound .