
  • 网络stalker;stalking
  1. 这位跟踪狂已经警告咱们了

    You guys , our stalker already warned us . Okay ?

  2. 受害人是犯罪者,跟踪狂原来是个受害�

    The victims were guilty , the stalker was a victim .

  3. 也许你会觉得这很浪漫,但自从上周这张专辑中一首歌的MV公布之后,这位当红歌手就被媒体称为令人毛骨悚然的骚扰跟踪狂。

    How romantic , you might say . But since the music video of a song on the album was released last week , the superstar has been called creepy and stalker-ish by the media .

  4. 也许你会觉得这很浪漫,但自从上周这张专辑中一首歌的MV公布之后,这位当红歌手就被媒体称为“令人毛骨悚然的骚扰跟踪狂”。

    How romantic , you might say . But since the music video of a song on the album was released last week , the superstar has been called " creepy " and " stalker-ish " by the media .

  5. 你真觉得这个人是我的跟踪狂吗

    So you really think this guy could be my stalker ?

  6. 教授:请不要教大家如何成为跟踪狂。

    Professor : Let 's not teach people to be stalkers , please .

  7. 这家伙是只寄生虫,合法的跟踪狂

    Guy 's a parasite , a legal stalker .

  8. 你这个跟踪狂可是会后悔的

    you 're gonna be one sorry stalker .

  9. 怎么你现在改跟踪狂了吗

    What , are you following me now ?

  10. 绅士还是跟踪狂

    A gentleman or a stalker ?

  11. 那和跟踪狂也差不多了

    That qualifies as a stalker .

  12. 大部分跟踪狂都是受害者的配偶,前配偶,熟人或家人。

    Most stalkers are the spouse , ex-spouse , acquaintance , or a family member of the victim .

  13. 但在经过自己的一番侦查后,他发现这个网络跟踪狂其实是他的邻居。

    But after some detective work of his own , he apparently discovered the culprit was a star-struck neighbour .

  14. 在哈里王子和梅根马克尔大婚之前,高达160位变态跟踪狂正在被追踪。

    Up to 160 people with unhealthy obsessions about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are being tracked ahead of their wedding .

  15. 不过,不要盯太长时间,不然你会看起来像跟踪狂一样。

    Now , dont look too long , or youll appear to be a stalker but you definitely want extended eye contact .

  16. 在160名跟踪狂中,有106名男性和54名女性,其中有7人是“高危险人群”。

    The 160 are made up of 106 men and 54 women and included seven people classed as " high risk . "

  17. 我刚认识个男的,我都已经说了对他没兴趣可他一直缠着我,像个跟踪狂一样,我该怎么办?

    I just met a guy . I told him I am not interested still he keeps poking me and acts like a stalker.what do I do ?

  18. 这之后,数据会被传到一个“指挥中心”。这个中心位于田纳西州的纳什维尔,它会把这数以百计的照片与数据库中已知跟踪狂的照片进行比对。

    Afterward , the data was sent to a " command post " in Nashville , Tennessee that attempted to match hundreds of images to a database of her known stalkers .

  19. 我们大多数人不用担心会遇到跟踪狂。然而,一旦跟踪狂进入你的生活,你就不得不改掉被其所知的生活习惯,才能继续正常生活。

    Most people dont have to live in fear of stalkers . Once a stalker enters your life , however , anything they know about your daily habits will need to be revamped in order to move on .

  20. 我在之前跟踪案件中见过移情现象发生,但从没见过一个跟踪狂同时跟踪两名女子。

    I 've seen transference in stalking before , but I 've never encountered one man who was stalking two women at the same time .