
ɡēn wǒ lái
  • come with me;follow me;come along with me
  1. 请跟我来,夫人。

    Please follow me , madam

  2. “在那儿等着!”凯瑟琳站起身来,“不,我改主意了。跟我来。”

    ' Wait there ! ' Kathryn rose . ' No , on second thought , follow me . '

  3. 你们的桌位已经准备好了,女士们,请跟我来。

    Your table is ready , ladies , if you 'd care to come through

  4. 跟我来!

    Come along with me .

  5. 跟我来,我带你去后院来一次盛大的旅游。

    Come on , I 'll give you the grand tour of the backyard .

  6. 兔子:“兔子当然吃,我能证明的。跟我来。”

    Rabbit : " Sure they do , and I can prove it . Come with me . "

  7. 莉安.陶西:来吧,跟我来,S.J,腾个地方,上车,快点。

    Leigh Anne Tuohy : Come on . Come on . SJ , make room . Get in the car . Come on .

  8. 你希望你跟我来见个人。

    I want you to come with me and meet somebody .

  9. 第一排出发,重武器跟我来。

    Let 's go , 1st platoon , weapons on me .

  10. 你没必要跟我来女权主义那一套。

    You don 't have to go all feminist on me .

  11. 跟我来,我现在正要去图书馆。

    Follow me . I 'm going to the library now .

  12. 想了解更多吗?那就跟我来看看吧。

    Come with me to know more about this famous boy .

  13. 请跟我来布莱克先生

    If you 'd like to follow me , Mr Blake .

  14. 他已经在什么地方抛锚喽…那么,跟我来吧;

    he 's come to anchor somewhere -- come along then ;

  15. 跟我来,劳里先生高兴地说。

    ' Come with me , ' said Mr Lorry happily .

  16. 露露,能跟我来客厅吗?

    Lulu , can I see you in the family room ?

  17. 网易:不想没的玩就跟我来。

    Netease : Come with me if you want to live .

  18. 愿意在工作前跟我来场快速比赛吗

    Care to join me for a quick match before work ?

  19. 然后,他说:“跟我来。”

    And he said , " come on with me . "

  20. 跟我来,你和这个世界告别的时刻已经到了。

    The hour of your departure from this world has come .

  21. 跟我来吧。老虎先生。

    Come with me , Mr Tiger , said the monkey .

  22. 我带您到前台,请跟我来。我把您的袋子放在那儿的柱子旁边。

    I will put your bags by the post over there .

  23. 请跟我来,我带你去收银台。

    Follow me , I 'll take you to the cashier 's.

  24. 我保证我会赦免你跟我来

    You have my word that I will pardon you.Follow me .

  25. 你很喜欢车喜欢二字远不足以形容跟我来

    You like cars ? That 's an understatement.Come with me .

  26. 你跟我来这儿是非常危险的。

    You 're putting yourself in danger by coming with me .

  27. 请您跟我来,我给您指路。

    Please follow me . I will show you the way .

  28. 让我来为你介绍,请跟我来。

    Let me introduce for you , please come this way .

  29. 达蒙阿弗莱克的兄弟你们两个跟我来

    Damon , Affleck 's brother , you 're with me .

  30. 快跟我来爸爸妈妈在哪里呢

    Now , come with me.Where are my mom and dad ?