
  • 网络are heaven , earth and man;Tenchijin;heaven and earth and man
  1. 天地人和齐贺喜气洋洋,天长地久共享快乐吉祥

    The world with all celebrate happiness , The world share propitiousness forever !

  2. 天地人合一,方能成通天。

    The world person unites as one , then can become all-powerful .

  3. 天地人系统预测与对策研究

    Study on Forecast and Countermeasure of the Cosmos-Earth-Man System

  4. 最后一个部分是对卦序天地人的一个宇宙观的分析,其中包括《周易》的思想体系以及一些哲学反思。

    The last part is the analysis of the universe , including some philosophical reflection .

  5. 从天地人巨系统立体观看城市水资源的系统化管理

    On the Systematical Management of Town 's Water Resources from the Viewpoint of Cosmos-Earth-Man Huge System

  6. 天地人和:人与自然的一个平衡点

    The Harmony of Heaven , Earth and Man : The Balancing Point between Man and Nature

  7. 中国天地人式的传统思想,使他们最终都指向天人合一,万物和谐。

    Chinese traditional thinking with Heaven Earth-style they all point to " Harmony of Nature and Human " harmonious .

  8. 天地人巨系统观与马克思主义哲学的大世界观

    The View for Huge System of Cosmos - Earth - Man and the Great World Outlook of Marxist Philosophy

  9. 大平衡的最高境界,始终是“天地人”和谐相宜的一个“适”字。

    The highest level of the Great Balance Theory is " harmony " among the heaven , earth and man .

  10. 礼仪玉品成为天地人神鬼之间的中介,并表现出王权与神权合一。

    Ceremonial jade items as the intermediary between Heaven , Earth , ghost , and show the right of kingship and the divine unity .

  11. 我也衷心希望更多的朋友在观澜湖享受天地人和的美好时光!

    I sincerely hope more friends come here to enjoy the harmony among heaven , earth and man , and have a great time !

  12. 天地人系统是从宇宙早期以来处于非平衡态的混沌体,经过一系列对称破缺和对称重组的结果。

    Modern heaven earth men system is a result of the early universe which passed through a series of symmetry destruction and symmetry organization .

  13. 中国传统生态意识是我们的祖先在与自然的相处中通过长期的实践和思考而得出的宝贵的经验,天地人合一是其中心的思想。

    Traditional Chinese ecological awareness is a precious experience gained by our ancestors in the long , patient and careful encounters with the nature .

  14. 超越传统的现代园林艺术探讨&广州中国第四届国际园林花卉博览会景区天地人和园林景观设计

    Modern gardening exploration over tradition & China fourth international garden and flowering plants exposition , the landscape design " Tian Di Ren He " in Guangzhou

  15. 天地人在垃圾渗滤液处理方面已经有了成熟的工艺和技术,是国内垃圾渗滤液高标准处理的先行者和实践者。

    TDR has advanced and matured technology and process in treatment of leachate , and it is the forthgoer and practitioner in domestic high standard treatment of leachate .

  16. 在天人合一思想影响下,认为天地人是统一整体,相互间应该而且可以成为和谐的伙伴。

    Under the influence of the idea of " nature-human integration ", people thought the nature and human were the unity , they should and could be harmonious partners .

  17. 这回带上个从朋友借来的新款数码机,领大家一起走马观花逛一趟“天地人”。

    Take this time last from friend borrowed machine of new fund amount , get everybody to trot along on horseback together view flower rambles " person of heaven and earth " .

  18. 新的冲突结构不再局限于人域内的法律冲突,而是突破人域边际,在我&天地人神之上构建出了崭新的法律冲突。

    The new conflict structure will no more be localized in human , but will break the boundary of states and create a new legal conflict within the harmony between human and nature .

  19. 他模拟《周易》而作《太玄》,试图构筑一个贯通天地人三才之道、包罗万象、广大悉备的宇宙图式。

    In his work Tai Xuan or The Greatly Metaphysical written in the style of The Book of Changes , he drew a diagram in an attempt to represent the all inclusive universe .

  20. 中国艺术的传统是心物感应说,在心物关系上强调的是心物感应、相互融合、物我合一,提倡天地人三个纬度的和谐对应。

    The tradition of Chinese art is heart responding things , blending mutually , things and I united as one , emphasizing the harmony of the three latitude : heaven , earth and people .

  21. 敬天、敬地、人会增智,天地人和而生万物的看法使游牧人民产生了三位思维,库伦思维和长生天思维等思维方法。

    Later the nomadic people developed the three-dimensional thinking , circularity thinking and longevity thinking model on the thought that all things were born on the basis of harmony of heaven , earth and people .

  22. 在画像石艺术世界里,天地人三界是互通无碍的,墓主人可以通过车马和其他媒介自由的行驶在这个自由浪漫的世界里。

    Stone in the art world , the world is interconnected not affect the three realms of people , the owner of the tomb and other media by traveling the free travel in this free romantic world .

  23. 天地人和的景观设计用一种全新材料工艺手法对传统园林艺术作了充分的展示,力求给观者一种全新的感受和强烈的视觉冲击。

    The landscape design of " Tian Di Ren He " is using a kind of brand-new material and technological method to display the art of traditional gardening , so that it will give the audiences completely new feeling and strong visual impact .

  24. 佛教传到中国后,奉琉璃至宝,“药师琉璃光如来”所居的“东方净土”,即以净琉璃为地,光照“天地人”三界之暗。

    Buddhism spread to China , from the crown of glass ," pharmacist optical glass Nyorai " by the UN ," the Oriental Land ", that is , for a net of glass , light ," Heaven , Earth ," three realms of dark .

  25. 第三,人文发展是一种内源式发展,必须充分挖掘、动员本土资源。人文发展的价值目标包括:以人为本;天地人和谐可持续发展;公平正义,个性自由。

    Third , the humanities development is a kind of endogenous type development , have to dig up fully , mobilization " native resources " . The value of humanistic development goals include : people-oriented ; Great harmony sustainable development ; Fairness and justice , and individual freedom .