
  • 网络Father image;Father figure
  1. 你曾经唯一拥有过的父亲形象,因为你而毁了他自己吗?

    The only father figure you 've ever had , destroy himself for you ?

  2. 更进一步,父亲形象的经常缺失、以及母亲的过分保护都使得中国的男生越来越女性化。

    Furthermore , the frequent absence of a father figure and the overprotection of the mother is another factor that makes Chinese boys more feminine .

  3. 从International到National&论当代中国电影中的父亲形象和文化建构

    From " International " to National : On the Cultural Construction of Chinese Cinema since 1949

  4. 中国电影中父亲形象的文化心理分析

    Cultural Psychological Analysis for the Father 's Image in Chinese Films

  5. 在不同时期的电影中,父亲形象呈现出不同姿态。

    In different periods , fathers'roles in the movies are different .

  6. 新生代电影中分裂的父亲形象

    The Broken Image of Father in Films of the New Age

  7. 菲茨杰拉德主要作品中的父亲形象解读

    On the Image of Father in Fitzgerald 's Major Works

  8. 和男性或者“父亲形象”相关的事件将是意义重大的。

    Affairs of male or of'father-figure'are very significant this time .

  9. 中国电影中父亲形象得到了前所未有多方位的展示。

    In Chinese films , father has been display unprecedentedly and multi-directionally .

  10. 浅析陈染小说中的父亲形象

    An analysis of the image of father in Chen Ran 's novels

  11. 在这些作品中父亲形象不再单一。

    In these works , the image of father no longer single .

  12. 马华当代小说中父亲形象的嬗变

    The Evolving Image of Father in Contemporary Malaysian-Chinese Novels

  13. 在中国现代文学中,父亲形象具有独特的文化象征意义。

    In Chinese modern literature , father images have special cultural symbolic meaning .

  14. 中国现代文学中的三类父亲形象

    Three Father Images in Chinese Modern Literature

  15. 因此,本文选择了三类父亲形象,作为弑父主题之外父亲形象的代表,分成四个部分展开论述。

    This text chooses three father images as the representatives and expounds from four parts .

  16. 父亲形象的文化意味

    Cultural Implications of the Images of Father

  17. 隐忍型的父亲形象。

    Second , the forbearing father image .

  18. 第六代影片反映了当下父亲形象的多样化;

    The sixth generation of Chinese movies reflects the diversification of fathers ' roles nowadays .

  19. 我总是不得不树立强大的父亲形象,维持家里的秩序。

    I always have to be the strong father-image and keep order in the house .

  20. 复杂型的父亲形象。

    Fourth , the complicated father image .

  21. 菲茨杰拉德对其主要作品《了不起的盖茨比》和《夜色温柔》中的父亲形象进行了出色的设计和运用。

    Fitzgerald successfully employed the image of father in The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night .

  22. 在中国当代新生代导演电影作品中,传统的父亲形象被重新书写。

    In the works of Chinese New Age directors , the traditional image of father has changed .

  23. 典型的日本父亲形象恐怕就是放假了打打高尔夫球,或者什么也不做,只是在家里消磨时间。

    On their days off , the stereotypical Japanese father goes golfing or loafs around the house .

  24. 而在这三大主流之外,又始终有一股汲取自民间的力量在守望与呼唤着理想的父亲形象。

    At the same time , there is still a force in the folk to safeguard and call for ideal father image beyond the above three mainstream .

  25. 最后小结部分,反思了父亲形象所呈现的中国农村地区在新一轮的城市化进程中的深刻变化。

    In the end , this paper reflects the profound changes shown on the father image of rural areas in the new round of urbanization in China .

  26. 父亲形象因此成为中国电影关于家庭、国家、社会和文化想象的重要能指符号。

    Because of that , the fathers'role becomes an important symbol in Chinese movies ' imagination about the family , the country , the society and the culture .

  27. 简.奥斯丁创造了班纳特先生这个失去权威的父亲形象,这直接表现了她对家庭中男性权威的轻视。

    Jane Austen creates the father image - Mr. Bennet and puts him aside from authority , showing her direct defiance against the male authority in a family .

  28. 值得怀疑的是,这种融传统与现代精神于一身的父亲形象,是否就是现代中国人的精神之父?

    Actually , it is doubt if the father 's image , which combined the tradition with the modernist , is the spiritual father of the modern Chinese people .

  29. 这类父亲形象承载了更多传统文化赋予父亲的意义,也浓缩了作家对中国政治、历史和文化的宏观思考。

    The type of father images contains the most meanings endued by the traditional culture , and implies the authors ' macroscopical thinking about Chinese polity , history and culture .

  30. 余华就是这样一位在新时期文坛上孜孜不倦、不断超越自我地塑造着父亲形象的代表作家之一。

    Yu Hua is one of such a tireless wither in the new era of literary circles , continuing to better ourselves to shape the image of " father " .