
tiān fǔ
  • Tianfu;land of abundance;self-sufficient and strategically located region
天府 [tiān fǔ]
  • [land of abundance] 天然的府库,比喻物产富饶

  • 天府之土。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

天府[tiān fǔ]
  1. 天府乌骨鸡与贵州山地乌骨鸡线粒体DNA的序列分析

    Analysis of Partial mtDNA Sequences on Tianfu Wugu and Guizhou Mountain Wugu Chicken

  2. 本试验以四川白鹅和天府肉鹅商品代为实验材料,应用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术,研究鹅群的分子标记多态性,寻找与屠宰性状相关联的标记。

    This study presented the correlation between RAPD bands and the carcass traits in geese by the random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) technique .

  3. 据天府早报报道,中国著名导演陈凯歌将于星期二赶往美国与NBA巨星姚明联合拍制赈灾短片。

    Famous Chinese director Chen Kaige is heading for the United States on Tuesday to team up with NBA star Yao Ming on a short film for earthquake relief , Tianfu Morning Post reports .

  4. 用8只绿头野鸭公鸭与50只天府肉鸭母鸭自然交配生产F1代,测定父母本和F1代的生长速度和9周龄屠体性状。

    : Eight male wild mallards cross to 50 meat breed of Tianfu ducks by natural service to produce F1.Growth rate and meat performance of the two breeds and their F1 are determined in the study .

  5. 此外,在其余生长阶段各基因型之间的生长指标无显著差异(P0.05),提示该位点可作为天府肉羊早期生长性状的候选分子遗传标记进行研究。

    In the others growth stages , there were no significant difference with the others growth traits between the three of genotypes ( P0.05 ) . It suggest the polymorphic can be the candidacy molecular marker for the early growth of the Tianfu goat .

  6. 成都地铁天府广场站盾构机调头技术

    The shield machine turnaround technology in Tianfu square of Chengdu subway

  7. 天府调酒液为何如此轰动?

    Why Tianfu Brand Liquor-blending Liquid So Stir in the Market ?

  8. 从晦暗的大地冲破黎明,高唱着圣歌在天府门庭。

    From sullen earth , sings hymns at heaven 's gate ;

  9. 天府系列花生内生细菌的分离及种群多样性研究

    Population Diversity Research on Endophytic Bacteria of Tian Fu Peanuts

  10. 高抗优质绿茶新品系天府28号的选育

    Selection of a tea accession Tianfu 28 with high quality and resistance

  11. 这是中国年纪最小的偶像团体,天府少年团。

    This is China 's youngest ever idol band , Panda Boys .

  12. 花生新品种天府9号丰产稳产性分析

    Analysis of potentiality and stability of yield of new peanut variety Tianfu No.9

  13. 天府古镇空间结构分析及旅游开发策略

    Study on the Space Structure and Tourism Development of the Tianfu Old Town

  14. 天府调酒液在新型白酒中的应用

    Application of Tianfu Brand Liquor-blending Liquid in the Production of New Type Liquors

  15. 他也魂归天府了。

    He , too , has join the majority .

  16. 中国第一瓶伴侣酒&天府酒伴侣的研制过程及市场前景

    Development Process and Market Prospect of Tianfu Liquor Partner

  17. 更使我生命配居天府。

    Fit me for life and Heaven above .

  18. 天府肉鸭与绿头野鸭杂交改良试验

    Crossing Experiment of Tianfu Ducks to Wild Mallards

  19. 成都市天府广场综合交通枢纽规划方案研究

    Study on the Planning of the Comprehensive Traffic Hinge for Tianfu Square in Chengdu

  20. 天府煤的电化学脱硫研究

    The Research on Electrochemical Desulfuration For TianFu Coal

  21. 翻译作品:题目:为什么天府日用陶瓷公司应该实施差异化的经营战略?

    Subject : why the Tianfu Ceramic Commodity Company should adopt differential marketing strategy ?

  22. 天府软件网:中国目前的游戏产业是怎么样的一种状态呢?

    TFSV : How do you think about the current game industry in china ?

  23. 重庆百事天府饮料公司的经营战略研究

    Research on Strategy in Chongqing Pepsi-tianfu Company

  24. 天府2000调酒液使用方法

    Application Methods of Tianfu 2000 Liquor-blending Liquid

  25. 天府肉兔新品系选育核心群的组建

    Establishment of Tianfu Meat Rabbit Nucleus Herds

  26. 但是普罗米修斯用一根空心管子从天府偷盗火种,再次取得了宝贵的天火。

    But Prometheus regained the treasure , stealing it from heaven in a hollow tube .

  27. 论《天府早报》改版失败与市场竞争的蓝海战略

    The Study on the Failed Revision of Tianfu Morning Paper and " Blue Sea " Competition

  28. 本文以成都市天府广场大型地下综合体结构工程为依托,对地下综合结构进行三维计算研究。

    Based on large underground complex structural engineering in Chengdu Tianfu Square , three-dimensional analysis is performed .

  29. 城市广场人文规划设计述评&以成都天府广场为例

    Review of the Humanistic Planning and Designing of Town Square & Tianfu Square in Chengdu as an Example

  30. 天府软件网:那在金融危机的大环境下,你对整个IT行业未来走向有什么样的看法?

    Tfsv : What do you think will be the development direction for IT industry in this financial crisis ?