
  • 网络www.lashou.com;LASO
  1. 分析中国每天团购信息的网站大淘团(Dataotuan.com)说,拉手网在中国的团购网站中收益是最好的。

    A website that analyzes China 's massive daily deal community , says Lashou is leading China 's group buying market in terms of revenue .

  2. 中国主要的团购网站之一拉手网的首席执行官吴波说,中国的团购市场正在迅速发展,而且仍然有发展空间。

    Wu Bo , the CEO of Lashou , one of China 's leading group-buying websites , says the market is developing fast in China and still has room to grow .

  3. 从东吴线故障计算看手拉手供电网注意的问题

    Some issues of hand-in-hand power network from the calculation of fault on Dongshan-wuzhong transmission line

  4. 以故障判定过程中任何时刻只能有1台分段开关合闸为原则,论述了分段开关的X-时限的整定方法和手拉手环状配电网的联络开关XL-时限的整定方法。

    Under the condition that at any moment during the procedure of fault detection there is only one sectionalizer being switched on , the setting method for X-time limit of sectionalizer and that for XL-time limit of interconnection switch in looped distribution network are expounded .