
  • 网络L'Aquila;L'Aquila, Italy;aquila;L' Aquila
  1. Lawrence说,他所了解的拉奎拉已经不复存在了。

    Lawrence says the L'Aquila he knew no longer exists .

  2. 在拉奎拉各国领导对G8集团的未来也进行了许多探讨。

    At L'Aquila there was also much talk about the future of the G8 .

  3. JoshuaLawrence以前常常在拉奎拉居住。

    Joshua Lawrence live in L'Aquila .

  4. 有的家庭已经开始为地震遇难者举行私人葬礼,周五拉奎拉将为100到150名地震遇难者举行一场集体葬礼。梵蒂冈国务卿CardinalTarcisioBertone将主持这次集体葬礼,由于耶稣受难日通常不举办葬礼,这次葬礼需要进行特别的安排。

    Some families have already started holding private funeral services for the victims of the quake . A mass funeral for between 100 and 150 of those who were killed will be held Friday in l'Aquila .

  5. 他说,地震是自然灾害。但是如果房屋的建筑质量足够好,拉奎拉地震导致的破坏程度不会这么大。

    He says earthquakes are natural events , but if homes were built

  6. 拉奎拉峰会还重点讨论了气候变化问题。

    The L'Aquila summit also focused on climate change .

  7. 拉奎拉在四月刚经历了一场大地震。

    L'Aquila suffered a major earthquake in April .

  8. 而这起案件要追溯到2009年拉奎拉市的一场地震。

    This was back to an earthquake that hit the city of L'Aquila in 2009 .

  9. 在拉奎拉市中心的大教堂也受到破坏。

    The Cathedral of the city center here in the A'aquila has also been damaged .

  10. 拉奎拉和周围40多个城镇和村庄的人们迅速逃离家门。

    People fled their homes in L'Aquila and in more than 40 surrounding towns and villages .

  11. 拉奎拉城区大部分地区仍然禁止入内,大部分周边城镇拥有历史意义的地区也是如此。

    Most of downtown L'Aquila is still off-limits , as is the historic districts of most surrounding towns .

  12. 关于这次地震的相关报道:一年前,意大利中部拉奎拉经历了30年来最致命的地震袭击。

    One year ago , Italy experienced its deadliest earthquake in three decades in the central city of L'Aquila .

  13. 意大利总理西尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼表示,重建拉奎拉城区,恢复其艺术遗产需要几年的时间。

    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says it will take years to rebuild L'Aquila delicate , urban and artistic heritage .

  14. 八国集团峰会由一个小岛转移到意大利中部拉奎拉。三个月前,这里发生了强地震。

    The summit was moved from an island to the area in central Italy where a powerful earthquake struck just three months ago .

  15. 当他准备离开意大利中部城市拉奎拉时,他承认这有点多。

    And as he prepared to leave the talks in the central Italian city of L'Aquila , he admitted it was a bit much .

  16. 最近的余震发生后,为了避免再次倒塌带来的危险,历史名城拉奎拉已全部向公众关闭。

    The whole of the historic center of l'Aquila has been closed to the public following the most recent after-shocks for fear of new collapses .

  17. 他们的表态是在拉奎拉地震数天之前经过正式会商后作出的,而在那之前的几个月里,该地区已发生过多次轻微地震。

    This position was taken after an official meeting held only a few days before the earthquake , and following months of tremors in the region .

  18. 同时,教皇本笃16世表示他将前往受损最严重的城市之一拉奎拉为那些受灾者以及他们的家人祈祷。

    Meantime , Pope Benedict XVI says he would like to visit L'Aquila , one of the worst hit spots and he says he 's victims and their families .

  19. 凌晨3:32,去年4月6日致命地震袭击的时刻,拉奎拉中部比萨大教堂演奏了安魂曲,并大声诵读了所有308名遇难者的名字。

    At 3.32 a.m. , the time the deadly quake struck last April 6 , a requiem was played in L'Aquila 's central Piazza Duomo . The names of all 308 victims were read aloud .

  20. 其中一名被告在电视上表示,拉奎拉“没有危险”,并解释称,小震是“有利的,表明能量在持续释放”。

    One of them stated on TV that there was " no danger " and explained that the tremors were a " favourable situation , that is to say a continuous discharge of energy " .