
  • 网络Natural Oxygen Bar
  1. 像一个天然氧吧。

    It 's like a natural oxygen bar .

  2. 上海滨江度假中心是“天人合一,回归大自然,天然氧吧”的好场所。

    Shanghai Binjiang Entertainment Center is well-known as a natural oxygen bar , you will relax and enjoy the nature completely here .

  3. 桐梓县作为“黔北门户”,是革命老区、夜郎故地、方竹笋之乡,资源丰富、气候凉爽,素有天然“氧吧”之称。

    As a " Gateway of North Guizhou ", Tongzi County is the old revolutionary base areas , Yelang old haunt , rich in resources , and climate is cool and it has long been known as natural " oxygen bar " .

  4. 室内景观的合理放置,对室内装饰起到柔化作用,不仅从色彩上,还可以从嗅觉上,对植物进行筛选。让室内景观成为了室内天然的小氧吧。

    Reasonable layout of interior landscape can soften the whole decoration effect both in color and smell and also make it a natural oxygen bar indoor .

  5. 山地公园是城市的一道天然的绿色屏障和天然的氧吧,是人们离开喧嚣的城市去寻找一片净土的最佳场所。

    Mountain park is a natural green barrier and natural oxygen bar of a city , It is people away from the noisy cities to find the best place to a piece of pure land .