
tiān huánɡ zhì
  • Mikado system;Tennoism;system of Japanese emperor
  1. 二战后,儒学传统也中断了,但这种中断只是中断了它与带有封建专制特色的天皇制绝对主义政策的联系。

    Afterwards , the feudal autocracy tradition of Confucianism broke off .

  2. 论中国道教、日本神道对古代天皇制的影响

    On the Influence of China Taoism and Japan Shinto upon Ancient Mikado System

  3. 从大江文学看战后日本文学中的天皇制禁忌

    The Emperor System Portrayed in Postwar Japanese Literature The Contemporary Militarism under the Regime of Mikado

  4. 近代天皇制:日本发动对外战争的罪魁

    The Mikado System in Modern Times & A Chief Criminal That Japan Had Taken External War of Aggression

  5. 战后日本天皇制的保留,是由当时复杂的国际形势决定的。

    The preservation of emperor system of Japan was determined by the complex international situations at that moment .

  6. 本文拟以神道教与天皇制为突破口论证此问题,仅从这一角度展开研究。

    This paper intends to choose Shinto and the imperial system as a breakthrough to demonstrate the relations .

  7. 但由于其存在严重的缺陷,致使近代日本走上了天皇制军国主义的歧路。

    But due to its serious deficiency , it caused modern Japan to embark on the Crossroads of Militarism .

  8. 因为近代天皇制是日本政治制度的核心,是军国主义的基础;

    Because the Mikado system in modern times was a core of Japanese political institutional and foundation of militarism ;

  9. 战后日本象征天皇制的确立及其存续的原因

    On the reasons of the establishment and Continuity of the Japan 's Symbolic Mikado System after the Second World War

  10. 日本右翼思潮源于近代天皇制观念的形成及由此派生的日本人的国体优越感。

    Japanese rightwing trends of thought originated from the formation of view of Mikado dominating everything and Japaneses nation superiority complex arising therefrom .

  11. 在大江看来,反讽是折射社会弊端以及对占中心地位的天皇制文化进行批判的有力工具。

    For Kenzaburo Oe , the style of irony is the refraction of social illnesses and a powerful tool criticizing the monarchy of Mikado .

  12. 本文将从政治文化角度剖析日本政治的特点,分析日本氏族政治对日本国家认同和天皇制产生的影响。

    It will also analyse the political and cultural characteristics of Japan , especially the clan political phenomenon and its impact on the imperial system .

  13. 道德教育作为政治工具的主要表现,是强化国家主义和天皇制的内容及强化新保守主义的政治主张等;

    Moral education as the political instrument finds expression mainly in the political propositions for strengthening nationalism and the Imperial Emperor System and consolidating the neo-conservatism ;

  14. 在明治时代,随着天皇制绝对主义政权的逐步确立,日本社会各阶层围绕着权利再分配的宪政问题,展开了激烈的斗争。

    In the Meiji ages , along with the establishment of the absolute regime of the Mikado system all the social strata struggled for the redistributed rights .

  15. 天皇制是日本政治制度的核心之一,也是日本人文化优越感在政治上的主要思想根源。

    The Mikado System is not only one of the cores of the Japanese politics , but also a political source that floods into the Japanese sense of superiority .

  16. 同时,近代天皇制为中心的社会政治结构和启蒙思想为军国主义的发展提供了土壤,制造了舆论;

    Meanwhile , the social political structure , centering around the system of the Mikado , and the enlightenment campaign provided the soil and paved the way for the spreading of Japanese militarism .

  17. 在日本近代史上,近代天皇制经历了藩阀元老政治、政党政治和军部法西斯政治三种主要形态。

    In the modern history of Japan , the system of emperorship experienced the politics of the feudatory senior members , the politics of the political parties , and the politics of the fascist army headquarters .

  18. 指出,在保留天皇制问题上,盟国与日本的出发点根本不同。日本能够保留天皇制,是战后国际政治的客观形势造成的。

    For the retaining of the Mikado , the allied countries and the Japanese have a quite different view over it : it is the international and political situation that caused Japan to retain the Mikado .

  19. 天皇制以其历史发展阶段划分为古代天皇制、明治宪法体制下的近代天皇制以及战后象征天皇制。

    The Mikado System can be marked off into three phases , i.e. , the Ancient Mikado System , the Modern Mikado System under the regime of the Meiji Constitution , and the postwar Nominal Mikado System .

  20. 明治维新后,日本建立了天皇制国家,较快地实现了近代化,而蔑视中国及其他亚洲国家的理论也应运而生。

    After Ming Zhi Wei Xing , the nation of Mikado dominating everything was established in Japan and realized modernization very soon , meanwhile the theory despising China and other Asian countries also emerged as the times demand .

  21. 而天皇制所以能在日本社会无阻碍地推行,原因首先在于层层负责的等级制社会是根基,第二则是在古神道传统下创立的国家神道的辅助。

    The reasons why it could be pushed without any hinder in Japanese society contained two points . First , up responsible layer by layer , such strict hierarchy was basic ; and then , State Shinto ' establishment under an ancient Shinto tradition was auxiliary .

  22. 日本天皇和天皇制产生和发展历史探讨

    Analysis on the Emergence and Development History of Japan Mikado and Japan Mikado Institution

  23. 第二部分是美国对日本天皇和天皇制的保留。

    Second part is the preservation of Japanese Mikado and the system of Mikado Autocracy .

  24. 天皇权威得到空前地绝对化,这得益于天皇制的推行。

    Mikado ' authority got a unprecedented absolution , benefited from the implementation of Emperor System .